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RECIPE: Vegetarian curry & lime rice & lemon cucumber

Vegetarian curry & lime rice & lemon cucumber


100 g long grain boiled rice

150 g sliced cucumber

The juice and zest of 1 small lemon

The juice and zest of 1 lime

Half a small finely diced red pepper

2 tspns of olive oil

half of a small diced onion

1 tspn of vinegar

Salt & pepper to taste

3 tbsp of vegetable oil

1 and a half tspns of curry powder or whatever strength you like it


First slice up the cucumber, next into a bowl put the following, the zest and juice of the lemon, olive oil, vinegar, salt and pepper, and mix all these juices together, now place the cucumber in this, and spoon the juice over.

Now put the bowl to one side, and remember to every now and then to spoon the juice over the cucumber.

Put your long grain rice on to boil on a low heat, while rice is boiling, get a frying pan, add vegetable oil, onions, and red peppers, salt and pepper to taste, and half the zest & juice of the lime, and on a low heat cook, now add the curry powder to the pan and mix in.

Now drain your rice, and mix in the remaining zest & juice of the lime, and add the rice to the frying pan, mix it in with the rest of the ingredients, finally get 4 serving dishes�, and place the cucumber around the inside of the dishes, as shown in the picture, then put the contents of the frying pan in the middle of the serving dishes.

Serves 4 people

Enjoy Chef Mike Darracott in England

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