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Tile floor question for those who have tile floors

16 years ago

I am already using the flooring forum but thought it would be good to pose question to those who's floors are already done.

I am tiling foyer which makes a 120degree turn then Ts into a hallway. Because of this odd turn there is no way to have the pattern match stay straight when it hits the hallway. I will have to have the foyer tile meet the hallway tile but cannot imagine how this will look.

If I lay the pattern out straight it ends up in a diagonal in the other area. If I lay the pattern out straight in the other area it ends up diagonal in the first area. Visually this looks weird in either area so the solution is to have each pattern straight then lay a decorative transition strip were the patterns meet.

Anyone have a pic of two patterns meeting in thier home??? I do not think wood floors would bother me as much, but I am doing tile and that has a defininte pattern unlike wood. Thanks for any pics.

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