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A funny story, cat with gas.........

I have 2 cats a male and a female. They go in and out constantly so sometimes I can't remember who is in and who is out.

This morning I was working at the PC and every once in a while I smelled a really bad odor. I looked around and the female was in her bed 15 foot away. I didn't see the male cat and thought to myself he must be outside.

I got up and looked around, opened cabinets and stuff, nothing. I had a little gas myself so I started to think maybe its me and I don't feel it passing? But it smelled so bad that I thought that if it was me I might have a serious problem and need to see a DR.!

I looked under my desk, nothing there and no smell. Went outside and called the cat, he didn't come. I figured he was hunting. I sat back down and eww again. This went on for at least 2 hours.

Finally I felt something rubbing my leg and thought it was my female. Then the odor came back! I looked down and it was my male cat, he must have been asleep behind the drawers of the desk! LOL

His name is Squeaky because he doesn't Meow He squeaks, I might change his name to Stinky after today!

He gets gas often!

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