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Have Strange Things Like This Happened to You?

Have you ever had a premonition and then it happened? Many, many years ago, we had a man come to our front door. He had come to see my husband and we had never met before, When I opened the door, my first thought was, "this man is going to die". He died a week later. Twice in dreams, I heard a voice say, you are going to have a baby and I did each time. The last time I had sort of a cartoon dream, it was of the horse Trigger but he had wings and he came down from heaven and Roy got on his back and they flew back to heaven. When I got up that morning I told my husband that Roy Rogers was going to die and in a day or two he did. My husband is a big fan of all the old cowboy stars.

My sister too has had similar experiences that turned out to be true.

So has anything like that happened to you?


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