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How long should puppy be able to 'hold it'?

17 years ago

Have a 7 month old chihuahua/terrier mix (maybe JR)(...the little stray that was dodging dumptrucks at 6:00 in the morning) We have him in a crate at night ..walk him and let him do his STD ("squirt the dirt"!!!) right before we go to bed at 9:00...he wakes up at 2:30 or 3:00 and wants out...I take him out, he does his STD, and back in the crate content to go back to sleep. Should a 7 month old, 9 pound dog be able to hold it longer than that, or will that come with maturity? Our neighbor has an Australian terrier (about same age)...and she is able to make it through the whole night without getting them up. We get up at 4:00 in the morning and we are really hoping he will be able to hold it for the full 7 hours...this 2:30 thing is getting old!!! any suggestions? We are witholding water after 8:00...I hate to do that, but need to do something. Help!!!

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