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Aggressive towards other dogs - help!

16 years ago

Hi. I have a 4-year-old Alsatian/lab/plus-others cross that we rescued 8 months ago. He has always been anti towards other dogs but he seems to slowly be getting worse he pulls really badly, growls, barks and whines and basically tries to do anything he can to get to them. He even has a go at the TV when a dog appears on a programme or advert!

We have tried shouting no, pinning him, reining him in and making him go straight home as soon as he starts. We have tried distracting him with toys and treats and we praise him when on the rare occasion he doesnÂt do anything.

I am really running out of ideas as to how to stop him doing this as I donÂt want to stop him going on walks altogether as he loves being outside. We live in an area with a lot of families and I can imagine that Toby is quite scary to kids and parents when they see him like that.

He is normally a very laid back and relaxed dog and gets on well with our other dog most of the time. If anyone has any ideas I would be extremely grateful  but I really do not want to resort to any kind of choke-chain.

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