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Funny Pet Residue Story

17 years ago

When watching Oprah the other day with the dog trainer, she made the comment that when you have dogs you must deal with lots of poo and lots of pee. How true, how true.

I've had four large dogs over the past 16 years, and can't count the times I've had to deal with this. Lots of people have issues with it, but having the strong stomach that I have fortunately been blessed with, I am not one of them.

I have many funny stories now that I think about it that deal with this subject, but one of my favorites takes me back to the week of 9/11. What an awful week. I was in a complete funk, as was everyone else. I simply was not functioning properly. Of course, this didn't mean that the two large dogs that I had at the time were going to have their schedules altered. I tried my best to keep everything on track.

When going for our morning walk, I put on a pair of sweat pants with no pockets. I did this frequently, and had to put my house keys in the plastic bag that I carried two poop bags in. Because I wasn't functioning properly, I put the keys in a poop bag, and didn't noticed when I picked up the poop that the keys were in it!

When I got back to the house, I searched all over the place, think I had dropped them. Then I discovered the keys covered with poop, and no way to get into the house without using them.

The whole thing was so ridiculous that I just had to laugh. It was something that I really needed that day.


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