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defrosting turkey help

9 years ago

I haven't bought a frozen turkey for Thanksgiving in a couple decades. The last couple of times I have done a turkey around here my sister brought it over already thawed- and all I needed to do was brine it overnight in a cooler I keep dedicated for meat brining.

Well, this year I moved sis and mom in with me, so no more pre-thawed turkeys for me, and it's been so long I'm looking for some advice on thawing the thing.

It's a 20.16 pound turkey. I have a small fridge (part of the reason why they did the thawing in their fridge before now), so I don't have the space to thaw the turkey in my fridge and have all the other foodstuffs in there. What I do have is my solarium that stays between 35-40 degrees at this time of year.

What I'm thinking is pulling out the turkey from the deep freeze tomorrow, putting it in the solarium till next Wed the 26 not in a cooler- then that morning prep up the brine in the cooler, submerge the turkey and then out to the solarium again overnight for roasting up on Thanksgiving.

Will this work out ok, or not?

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