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Puzzle with pieces missing, for example...

16 years ago

The puzzle with the missing pieces got me thinking about companies and how, in general, they will compensate a consumer that complains about a faulty product with additional products or coupons etc.

Do you ever write a company to tell them how great their product is? I do it occasionally if I try a new product and really like it. Guess what - they'll send you great stuff for doing that, too. Great samples of their other products, coupons, new products not out yet, etc.

I phone companies and restaurants that give great's funny but kind of sad when I say I would like to speak to someone about the service or product I bought or consumed yesterday - 9 times out of 10 the person on the other end of the phone is already wary by the time I say that much, and when I compliment them on the great service or great food or great product, they are almost not able to believe I would call to say

Try it, it's kind of funny to hear the change in their voice when they realize you aren't calling to complain.

Suzan J

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