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Time to put away all those decorations

17 years ago

Our holiday decorations have been up since the day after Thanksgiving. We put our tree (real) the first week of December. I watered it faithfully but we have two dogs who love to drink its water (!!!!) so its been a losing battle. Its getting kind of dry and losing more and more needles. I think I'm taking the ornaments and lights down this weekend. I always do it on New Year's, so I can be done with all the Christmas crap before I go back to work on Jan. 2.

Tomorrow is garbage day so we are scouring the house for all boxes and other trash from the holidays that can go out. Tree pickup isn't for a few weeks so it will be sitting on the side of the garage until then.

I collect snowmen. When all the holiday stuff is packed up, I bring out the snowmen for the rest of the winter.

Holiday lights outside will be packed up by Jan. 7th. I hate seeing holiday stuff outside on people's houses until Easter. Just a pet peeve of mine.

This year as I pack up, the stuff I didn't use will go into my yard sale box. As I find stuff around the house I don't want or need, off to the box it goes. Last year I made about $200 and it netted the kids a fun day out at the waterpark.

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