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Something is wrong with this room...lots of pics!

16 years ago

I used to love our library and thought it was "done" (although I'm always changing decor so I don't really know what "done" might be). But since we've been back in the house it feels like it's a bit off. It might be because of the change in the wall (the wood wall used to be orange oak) which made it stand out so much more. And perhaps it's the lack of the second sheepskin rug which goes under the antique chairs...but now I'm not even sure they work.

Please pick it apart. The sofa's can't move because if I did, you'd have a sofa back in your face when you enter the house (the room is about 4' higher than the entry floor). And they're frankly too big to go elsewhere. I'm also waiting on the blinds for the upper windows, which will be the same as the blinds below. The gun on the mantel will be hung between the window banks but it's up there now for safety, not as a decorative item (we have a 3 year old and it's heavy!!)

I changed out our lamps and wonder if that's where I'm really used to work, but somehow...well it does please, you won't hurt my feelings at all, pick it apart!!!

Oh one more "won't change". It's a library. Hence the very crowded book shelfs. It's not a tv room. We go there for quiet and when we entertain (one of the cabinets is a bar) so I need to keep it book heavy.

I took pics from all sides of the room and our landing so that I could give you a view of each area. It's a big room so hard to photograph.

This is the library wall.


This is the view coming off the landing. The big hole you see in the wood wall will be filled with a black register:


From the upper landing:


The silver gun case leaning against the wall in this pic is already gone...the gun was a christmas present and I have to send it back:'



Ok from room level now:



The gray vent cover is going to be the wall color. Just ignore that :oP


My 3 year old put his little stool under the chair...I just noticed that LOL It will not stay there:





Don't hold back :) It's the year of brutal...umm brutus honesty isn't it? What's wrong???

Comments (113)

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I was thinking of a softer colored rug, not predominantly red. I think traditional rather than tribal is the way to go in a library. The colors in the tribal bella posted are more like it. Tan background with soft red and faded blue faded golds but not blurry, you need sharp designs- it should look like it's been walked on for eons. But not the beige rugs that are popular here and on PB- the patterns and colors are too muted for your room. Make sense?
    Like an old money family rug that you can't bear to part with so you throw your red italian leather sofas oh so casually on it. and tada it works.
    That kind of a rug.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    With the red sofas, you need to use another color rug aka a rug with very little or no red. The red will either clash terribly or the entire room will read red once it's in place.

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    Yeah those are unhappy bulbs. You need to do some serious clean-up-- removing dead tissue and any tissue that shows signs of already going down hill. You might want to also put the bulbs out on some newspaper and let them dry out for a few days before you do anything more. I also suggest using an anti-fungal like captan or physan 20 to kill off any fungus and in most cases, even bad bacteria etc. These bulbs grow best when treated like a succulent- meaning fast draining soils/mediums. The water should not stand in the pot at all and it should have the ability to freely drain out the bottom of the pot. Never let it sit in water. Also, keep the crown clean-- don't let water, dirt or debris get into the top of the bulb where rot can occur. I suggest using a mixture of mediums-- like 50% perlite, 25% bark or other large particles, and 25% organic light soil-- nothing heavy at all. You can also use things such as hydroton, which is expanded fire clay balls, which will really loosen the soil as well. Good luck Ryan
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    Great suggestions so far and I think getting the table refelted would be helpful...they have so many beautiful colors now, so you're not stuck with a kelly green. Play around with the cues and you will indeed see they take up a lot of room. That is why so many pool halls have items up on the walls and not in the line of the cues. You might think about chairs similar to your dining chairs on the walls in the pool room and using the buffet as a room divider with the front facing your dining room and the back facing the pool table with a leather couch or chairs on the back side of the buffet facing the pool table with small occasional tables. Maye a couple of tall palms in the corners of the pool room to flank the would add some ambiance and soften the kelly green if you stay with that felt. Your home is beautiful and how exciting to inherit such a wonderful piece of furniture. Here is a link that might be useful: felt
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  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    390022956122 is the rug item # of the one rug that I think would really work in your room. It is a Pakobelrug item -- and I love that it has BOTH the golds of your room AND a touch of red ..... It is 13 x 10 -- and comes up for auction in just over three days!

    Jan (who hopes you can find it!)

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Jan I like the design, but I must confess a small issue...I hate blue, I mean I really hate blue in amost any application. I actually have a beautiful iranian rug in blues from DH's home in TX but it can't work its way into our house because...well it's blue :oP

    I visited the chairs we were thinking of (passed, I think fabric is a good idea) but he had a nice rug catalog. I ordered up a sample, but the rug I picked has muted browns, reds, blacks, ivory, blah blah, almost everything, but probably not blue LOL We'll see how it looks.

    On the ebay rug...I'mnot overly worried about the amount of red in that rug because it's mostly centered in the umm center :oP And since there's not a prayer in heck that the bible box is going away,most of that red would be covered by the box. It does look to be a bit orange/red, but actually, so are the sofa's (kind of a tomatoe red). Red is such a pain! Maybe I should get rid of the sofa's LOL (they're beautiful, but more DH than me).

    The victorian will be so much easier LOL I'll work some blue in there so we can use that carpet heh heh Maybe in DS's room...THomas the Tank engine is sort of victorian isn't he? heh heh

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    what a gorgeous room!!! it's such a unique space, i'd love to try my hand at decorating it!
    i'm a nut for deep color and lush textures,i'd add dark paneled walls with long drapes. i'd prefer nothing on top of the armoir,and a couple of worn oriental rugs. and i'd set up a crystal bar on that table with the white ball lamp, and a brass or tiffany style lamp there.
    what fun--i have got to take a photo shop class!!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    LOL You all want me to leave the bar open 24/7...I think you're a bunch of drunks (speaking of that it's time for wine isn't it?) Anyhoo, there is a bar in the's in the far cabinet by the widows on the wood wall. And there are plenty of crystal decanters and snifters LOL But ya know, we have two cats, a dog and a 3 year old. Liqour left out would have a coat of fur sticking to it, or DS would be drinking it (he likes whiskey for some odd reason) so we have to keep it a bit hidden. When we have a party those doors are open wide so people can make their drinks. And when we do that, I pull a silver tray out that sits on the radio cabinet (the one under the windows) on which we put an ice bucket and often desert liqours or wines.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm not currently a drunk, but if you were willing to have regular forum parties in that gorgeous room with the bar open, I'd consider it. And, yes, it is time for wine!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I think the room is great but the book colors are what is standing out to me. Because the cabinets are so much darker now, the light colors of the books are sticking out too much. Covering the white ones especially would help them all blend in more.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Ok walkin..screw the room, I'll just get my guests drunk enough they won't notice it needs work heh heh that's the perfect solution!!! Of course I'll need to drink more...but I'm willing to make sacrifices like that for decor anytime :oP

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'll bring some wine to that forum party too!

    Seriously the room is gorgeous! You do have some beautiful furniture which I would not change either. But the first thing that hit me after I read your post about it being a "quiet room" is that the wall color does not come close to being "quiet". It's yelling at me. :)

    Perhaps a pretty tan color in that room? (tan being "quiet") Then add an oriental rug and I think it would just be wonderfully quiet place to curl up and read a book with some hot cocoa on a cold winter day.

    The only other thing I would do then would be to paint/stain over the gold on the paneling. It looks out of place and chops up the walls. Look at pictures of old libraries in homes - books yes? Gold leaf on the paneling? no

    Last thing - I would take the mirror down and after the gold is off the paneling, put that big Leopard picture over your fireplace. The one with the gold/black frame.

    My pitiful three cents. I totally love your red leather sofas Igloo!

    Be sure to show us "after" pics when you are done!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I just have to chime in on the bookshelves, since so many people have had suggestions on how to change them. The following is, of course, my own opinionated opinion, & may not be yours, & that's ok by me ;-D

    igloo, I think your shelves are perfect exactly as they are. And they will change (because bookshelves tend to do that) & they will be perfect when they change.

    Bookshelves are filled with books. And often, other little treasures. And sometimes, perfect little vignettes. Books come down, & get put back, & get replaced. Bookshelves (usually) get used. Bookshelves are not supposed to be perfect They're supposed to be a resource area, an area of hidden treasures, an area where you get lost, and grow, and change. Bookshelves speak volumes *koffkoff* about the person who arranged them. Maybe your bookshelves are perfectly ordered according to size, or maybe they're arranged according to subject, or maybe they're just a mess. I think bookshelves say a whole lot about who you are....may we all allow ourselves to be a little bit more of who we are (whoever that may be) & be OK with that.

    OK, carry on.... :)

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    moonkat, I totally agree. In fact, there's a little part of me that thinks I should have asked to see Hubby's bookshelves before I met him. He insists on having them ordered by size because it "looks better" - he's really into everything looking just right and being even and...

    I, on the other hand, see bookshelves as purely functional and group by subject then author. I don't really care how they look, just how they function. However, I am the one who likes to add pretty stuff to the shelves.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    LOL Moonkat are you calling me a mess?

    On the bookshelves...the room is our reading room, and there isn't a room in our house that does not follow function over form first. So while I actually do agree that they could be a bit tiddier (tidyer? tidididideer?) neater :oP I'm not going to cover the books because we like to read them often and many represent memories of when we met the authors like Julia and Jacques and Martha (they run the gambit from decor, to sewing to antiques to cooking) and I am not going to arrange by size alone, but within their sections I could arrange somewhat by size which would help a lot.

    There are many steps I'd take to better decor, like drinking more heh heh But form will never out weigh function in any house I "do" (And please remind me of that when I start on the next house LOL I've never done a victorian before).

    In that house we'll have a real library (although there are less bookshelves in there than in this room actually, but the original plans say "library"). Right now it's white and flowery. ::Shudder;: so not me!

    I'm rambling...I've been burried in a victorian decor book all day and it's making my head spin LOL Maybe I should just tuck it up on the bookshelves....

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    prisjar I'm with you! My books are arranged by subject (& I sort of kind of size them within their subject...but I have to keep redoing it because I'm not so good about putting it back precisely where it goes....) & I also have my little pretties & vignettes that make me smile.

    & then I spend an afternoon in the bookstore & it all needs to be re-shuffled...

    lol igloo - perfect, I was calling you perfect ;-D

    & every now & then we are all allowed a moment to be a perfect mess lol!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    When I thought of Library, I have the image of a neat & supremely orderly places where everything are perfectly lined up...the last refuge from the messy world outside LOL :-)

    Okay, here are some images of library -- check out how they style their book. BTW, interior designers take serious consideration a/b how their bookcases are arranged. Didn't 1 guy on top design got sent home for badly styled bookcases? :-)






  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I would try grouping the books by color, I know this might sound goofy but I did this with some books and they just look less cluttered.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Igloochic, please clarify, because I must have missed this bit of news: you're bidding on a new house now? A Victorian, you say? Is it in the Anchorage area, too, or are you heading to Minnesota or Washington or wherever next . . . as I do remember you talking about that once? Are you fixing up this present house, whose room we're all discussing at the moment, to sell or what? I'm confused!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Perfectly arranged and styled book cases look beautiful, but they leave me with a cold feeling as if those books were never actually read, but chosen only for their color and size. Why should it bother me, though? It's not as if I'm going to ask anyone to take a test :)

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I feel a little out of place commenting because you all are so much more experienced than I am, but would it be possible to see a few pics with different lighting? It looks like it might have been late in the day or a really gloomy day, and I'm wondering what it looks like during the daytime (on a nice day). I know my rooms look much different in different light!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    maureen: You are like my DH -- he needs a little bit of mess to feel comfortable. :-)

    What makes use feel comfortable may not photograph well. I have no doubt that these bookcases are styled for the photo shoots. What goes on in the interim may not be as perfect. This lead to a philosophical question: isn't it crazy for us to try to imitate that perfect moment captured in time? It's like trying to look like Tyra on the cover of Sport Illustrated all the time. :-)

    When I got to this point the "smarter than botox" ad popped up. OK...OK.. I got the hint :-D

    I know there are beautiful rooms with books piled up on the floors. Will find those and see how they get away with it. :-)

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    BElla maybe I should just empty the bookshelves and pile then in pretty stacks on the top and I have end tables LOL (and I've seen that do you read the book on the bottom?) :oP

    Lynne, we received final diagnosis on DS a couple of weeks ago and the concensus is we have to leave Anchorage during cold and flu season to keep him healthy. So we're moving to Port Townsend WA near my mother (DS needs grandma..he's only got the one). We'll keep the Anchorage house and plan on coming back in the summer. Basically we'll be really young snow birds LOL

    DH will continue to reside in Anchorage half the time and WA the other half. He wouldn't let this house go if his life depended on it (he loves being on the lake).

    We have to keep this place until we see a return on our investment in the remodel (should be just another 99 years or so) LOL

    We hadn't anticipated moving like it's a bit of a stress, but we have to do what's right for DS. The fun thing is the house is furnished. I'll be doing an amazing amount of sorting the good and bad which will be a hoot :) Ya'll can play along heh heh It was decorated in the 80's I think, in what then was felt to be "Victorian"....heavy heavy floral hell in my personal opinion. I'll be removing A LOT of wallpaper! (Anyone who would like to visit and help is welcome...we have lots of bedrooms heh heh)

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hmm, an excuse to head up to the Seattle area...

    Would you be supplying the wine? ;)

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    LOL PBJ absolutely! I'm not moving without stocking the cellar (where ever that is)!

    I think I'm going to fly down next weekend for a final walk through before we make our offer. The house has been on the market for A LONG time (couple of years if I remember right). I'm going to take about a million pictures LOL (the website has only 16) so I'll have a good "Before" file to play with.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I Love Port Townsend!

    Just sayin'......


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    This could work out well for you and the posters on the "Which forum member would you like to meet?" thread. lol

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Just for the record, those people posting the phrase "teint de negre" or "tint de'nigre" (to describe Igglochic's paint color) are really attempting to use the phrase "te de nègre" which is easily translated literally into the English "N-igger head." This is an old French phrase for a dark brown color (as well as a dessert) and in England it was commonly referred to as "N-igger brown."

    In my opinion, it has no place in modern discourse or on Garden Web and using the French version doesn't make it any prettier.

    In fact, the GW system would not allow me to post this without altering the N-word.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    The only thing that bothers me, and others have mentioned it already, are the moldings over the fireplace.

    Don't know if it's in your budget, but since you said the moldings can't be removed, I'd have that section of paneling cut out, replaced, and then stained to match the dark wall or paint it to match the yellow walls.
    Ideally, for me, would be to cover the section above the fireplace in the same stone that is on the hearth.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    No fern, you are quite wrong about my use of the NAME of the color of my trim. I am not meaning to type the french words for "N head" that you so wrongly attribute tome. I am describing a color of brown that is tinted with black. It is a COMMON term used to describe a color, not a term used to describe a person, place or thing. YOU owe me an appology for that very very ugly accusation. Very ugly and very wrong! Next time you want to explain what I'm saying, please be sure to discuss it with me before you speak for me.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    (woah! i don't speak french, but isn't "teint" french for "tint," and not a misspelling of "tete?" yikes, that's all i am going to say about that.)

    Miss Igloo, you've already gotten good advice about rugs and better lamps and better chairs. I will echo other's sentiments that the gold molding on your paneling is all wrong. What this room really is missing, to me, is pattern and texture. For me, in a library or any room in which books are featured, the books themselves create pattern and texture on the shelves. Whether you arrange them by size or color or alphabetically, they create a visual pattern on the shelves. So I say, if it's not a book, take it off the shelves. And get more books. Seriously, can you cover every wall with shelves? Get rid of the armoire and the radio and just fill every available wall with bookshelves.

    Another thing, and hello, brutal honesty alert... I just do not care for the wall color. I think you said you wanted to match the fur on the animals in your treasured artworks, but to me it is just too blendy and your cat pictures are just lost in the goldy beigey tan-ness of the room. Boring. But I know I'm in the minority in the I Hate Beige Club.... so moving on... ;)

    Hey, do you hunt up there in Alaska? How about some animal trophies or antlers or something?

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    You've GOT to be kidding? It's a gorgeous room and soooooo cozy looking!

    About the only thing *I* would change is the chest behind the sofa~it's a bit too high...for *my* taste. If you're okay with it, leave it the way it is. The room looks to be family-friendly, that's what counts! ;o)

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    negre in French does mean the N word.
    so to be sensitive, I guess now day people don't use that to depict a color anymore.

    teint de negre means "color of a N----
    better more politically corrected word would be something like, teint de choco :-D

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm not going to jump in with my opinions as you have enough here. But wait until you get that Victorian. Will that ever be a hay day of rooms you can post and get redecorating suggestions. (I confess I peaked at the bed and breakfast website) You go girl!! That's going to be amazing.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Igloo, cannot WAIT to see your Victorian!

    I just wanted to add a little something~you mentioned keeping the hanging lights(I agree)as they are antique. How about using amber bulbs to create more ambient lighting since they *are* mainly for esthetics, not function, or am I wrong? This sort of bulb would create more of a glow, than a glaring light. Make sure you don't get yellow 'bug' light bulbs. LOL ;o)

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    French is my first language (although I consider English my native language as I do most of my thinking / dreaming in it).

    In France (and I canNOT speak to other francophone countries) "negre" does NOT mean n-i-g-g-e-r for two reasons. 1) The "n" word (in English) is derogatory and a commonly understood racial epithet; 2) in France French, "negre" means black. Je porte la culotte negre. I'm wearing black underwear. (seriously, that's the only black I have on at present) I am not wearing n-i-g-g-e-r underwear; I am not wearing negro underwear. I am wearing black underwear. Maintenant, je porte la culotte negre.

    It is entirely unfair (not to mention unrealistic) to impose our North American "p.c." standards on other languages. I am caucasian, my husband is Japanese and our children are hapa (half-Asian, half-other, coined from the Hawaiian hapa haole which actually means half-white, but appropriated by the half-Asian community). In North America, the terms "Eurasian," "Amerasian," "Oriental" (etc.) are considered offensive and racial epithets. However, in France the term "oriental" is NOT considered derogatory, so when we are in France or our French friends refer to my partner / children as "orientals" it is completely without malice -- they are merely utilizing the correct usage of their language. Period.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I hit "submit" before I meant to: and of course, "noir" is another word for black in French, just the way we have many words for different colors.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    forgot to link my source, from wiki

    Le mot « nègre » arrive dans la langue française en 1516, de lespagnol ou du portugais : le mot est dérivé du latin niger, « noir ». Le mot negro en espagnol signifie également « noir ». Le mot « Nègre » est rare en français avant le XVIIIe siècle. Il s'impose au XVIIIe siècle avec le développement de la traite des Noirs et comme un mot scientifique à travers les théories raciales de Voltaire, Hume, Kant ou Cuvier.[réf. nécessaire]

    Le terme anglais n-gger, hautement péjoratif, a été emprunté au français et a donné lieu à de nombreuses variantes (negar, neegar, nigga, neger ou encore niggor).

    Le mot « nègre » dans son acception contemporaine est largement controversé dans les pays où il est utilisé pour désigner spécifiquement les individus à la peau noire. Dans les pays ayant été impliqués dans le commerce triangulaire, « nègre » conserve un sens péjoratif fort, qui renvoie à une image biaisée de la population africaine.

    D'une façon générale, le mot s'emploie encore aujourd'hui dans des expressions consacrées ou dans le sens identitaire qui s'est développé au XXe siècle. Hors de ces usages et contextes spéciaux, les mots « nègre » et les variantes argotiques (négro, négrou) ont aujourd'hui une forte connotation raciste.


    Here is a link that might be useful: wiki negre

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thank you RM. I was actually so offended I wasn't going to come back to this thread (or the others she posted the same thing in...fern that is) since she's now making an effort to stalk my trim color for some reason.

    It's a legitimate color...I'm not and would never attempt to be, a racist. Nor would I imagine many of the books (decorating and paint books) that I have which also use the term...nor was Sherman Williams intending to be when they put the name on the paint can I'd bet. But it's hard not to be very offended when someone makes such a concentrated effort to attack you.

    Anyhoo, I'll try to avoid reading the ugly here, and hope people know I would NEVER call my trim N-color for gads sake! Gad I can't even focus I'm still mad I guess. know, every day when I walk into my now offending room I think about the "library" issue. It actually might be fun to have some shelves built for the wall where the amoire is...It would be fun to echo the shapes on the wood wall and of course I'd try to imitate that color on them. I suppose I could also consider shelves at the base of the stairway, but it does get tight over I have to think on that one a bit.

    I can't do anything about the gold right now since I can't open windows (very cold) and the shellac/varnish is very very smelly. I actually am considering tackling that little project first thing this summer. It's not as bright as it appears, much like the walls :) but it's starting to get to me now LOL thanks all!

    On those light bulbs...good idea ;) You know, those lights are all on dimmers so I didn't think about going yellow because when dimmed, they appear a soft gold, but DH always turns them off, thus the glaring white. That's an easy fix (I think...ladders LOL) I can tackle right away.

    I was just digging through the fabric stash for a quick throw fabric to add some soft texture to the room right away. I had always planned on making a quilt (and probably still will) but I'm a bit behind on my fabric projects heh heh

    Patty, it is child friendly :) And dog and cat...they use the room more than us. I am a big fan of living in all rooms of a house, even if some are fancier than others.

    Here's my Victorian flower nightmare LOL (Lovely home, much much much wallpaper to remove!!!)

    Plucky...won't it be fun to do this house :) I hope people will play along. It comes with furnishings, but even in my "more is more" world...there's too much in these rooms. I am looking forward to the edit and redecorate process :)

    Here is a link that might be useful: A safe place to raise our litte sick one :o) (if he's not allergic to flowers)

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Well, after posting my last two notes I thought to myself "you know, language is a living thing ... I'd better check to see what is au fait." So I wrote a quick e-mail to my (French) friend (who lives in France) and is around my age. He just wrote me back, essentially saying that I'm wrong and that negre is now an offensive term and is not only not to be used as a (color) descriptive, it shouldn't be used at all (because of racial sensitivities).

    I am so sorry for spreading misinformation (my own based on delinquent thoughts) and I am esp. sorry for hurting and / or offending anyone. I am such a(n over) sensitive person that would never ever be my intention!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    bellaflora -- thanks so much for the wiki piece!

    And igloochic -- clearly you are not racist or meaning to hurt anyone! You are such a helpful joy to see here ... shame on anyone for intimating otherwise!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Igloo: I hope you don't think that I think that you are racist. :-). I myself sometimes offend people with my not knowing that certain things aren't acceptable.

    Case in point, my sister used to collect those statues of black children eating watermelon (bought at yard sale) because she thought they are so cute until somebody told her they are actually offensive. :-)

    rm: you are welcome. I hope I don't offend you as well. :-)

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I am a miss timed Victorian Ole Lady trapped in 2009. I'm so grateful to be old enough to remember how life was. The creek of the stairs, lace curtains moving in the hot summer breeze, time to milk the beautiful Jersey cows, then make fresh butter and cottage cheese, no asparagus for dinner, I ate it all playing in the garden, respecting life understanding all the Real struggles to survive. Victorian atmosphere is comforting to me, reminding of a time with manners, elegance and dignity. I know, not perfect. Your Inn is so beautiful, wish I could help, what a fabulous home it will be. Does it have historical restrictions? How common are furnishings included? Are there reproductions or most genuine? Are you planning historically accurate or remodel for your family life and use? Bet there are curious nooks and crannies to find in the ole place. Fascinating! What a treat, wish I was there. It is living history. How far from the ocean?

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oooh, that's going to be fun! Can't wait to see the pics from this weekend.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Beautiful room! I'm definitely a decorating novice, and it seems you've received a lot of feedback above, but the only thing that jumped out at me was the size/style of the lamps. You have such a rick looking room and furnishings, more substantial lamps may work better.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Wow Bodica you have me dreaming :) If you look at the harbor room pic, you can see water out the window, that's the bay, just down the hill and the house has excellent views on that side. The opposite side view is the gorgeous stone court house. In front is a large park owned by the city, and behind is the carriage house now a private home separately owned.

    I am fairly certain we can't have cows in the city limits :oP But we can walk about six blocks to a fabulous farmers market on the weekends.

    The furnishings are 85% real antiques (victorian) and a few have come from the original owners (meaning they've always been in the house). A few pieces are spectacular, the balance are your typical eastlake style, but still quite lovely (just not rare). There are a couple pieces not incuded with the purchase that I will ask for anyhoo as part of the offer because they're unusual and special. I'd guess from a rough count it's about 50,000 in furnishings and fittings. The lighting is generally fabulous, with a few changes needed..but I adore antique lighting so that will be fun.

    It's a state and national landmark home, as well as registered with the national historical society. I'm just starting to look into how that effects our life. In general, because it's such a special home historically, we're not planning on doing anything inappropriate. The only big change would be the kitchen, which has been remuddled over time as a professional kitchen and will be returned to a semi unfitted kitchen when we want to put the money into it. And all of the bathrooms (I think 11?) need to be redone in a more appropriate historical period (they were done in the 80's with formica and cheap tile). A few fireplaces also are hidden or have been replaced with wood stoves. We'll fix those. The three we can see all have fabulous tile...not Morovian, but they have that feel.

    The whole joint needs to be deflowered! (this thread will now pop up in some unusual searches on google LOL) I mean there are flowers on top of flowers with flowers on the bed and flowers in vases (fake) and flowers in the lace....egads flowers. I'm sure I'll be having nightmares about those flowers for years as I slowly remove them.

    When it comes to the decor, we'll be historically sensative. I believe that in a softer way, the victorian style is an easy style to live with. The sofa's will be softer, but still elegant, but I'm totally into the heavy draperies and lush carpets :) It will be a "home" but still be appropriate for charities to use for the victorian home tours and special events held now annually there. We plan on allowing that to continue. I grew up in the town in another special house there (Smith house, which was the first cabin in town and is now a modest victorian home).

    It's not my dream home (French house in Duluth) but if one has to "settle" this is one heck of a home to settle for isn't it? :) (Believe me I'm not feeling deprived at all LOL). It will provide us with a wonderful home for my son and his friends in the future, and if we're lucky a baby or two. And if we're not, the three of us will muddle on just fine there :)

    The only downside to this is I have to move away from my husband (he'll do one week with us and one week here). But we have to do it for our son.

    PBJ they can't get me into all of the rooms until the end of the month, and I'm not flying down until I can see every one of them, so we've agreed on the last Sunday of the month. I'm working on my checklist for the visit now :)

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I am excited for you and empathetic at the same time, feeling what seems like very reasonable emotional pulls. You have so skillfully and creatively invested in your fabulous Alaskan home and now to explore a very different adventure is Huge! Your precious son will love anywhere with his creative Mommy!
    Now you have my curiosity about the French house in Duluth? My 97 year young Mommy screams at the word Duluth, strange place we had to spend the night one summer topic
    So looking forward to Your pic of the inn, some of theirs are not so focuses to enjoy.
    Thank you for opening up this experence, not anyone can make such an investment, but what a dream come true to delight in another's effort!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Dear all, I did not imply or intimate that anybody was racist. I merely supplied factual information on the phrase that was being used. Like many words and phrases commonly used in the past, the fact that it was used does not mean that we should continue to use it. Yes, House Beautiful and Beale-Lana Interior Design, to cite two examples, continue to use "tete de negre" to describe a paint color that is half black and half brown, but they should stop. And maybe if they stop, some day we won't be able to find manufacturers in China (selling pigments, purses, shoes, couches, etc.) labeling their color as N-brown, a phrase that was commonly used in England in the 1800s and one that, of course, we would not use.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Igloo, is this Victorian up for sale or going up for sale?

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Ok I'm only going to address this once with fern and then never post a reply to her again..

    You specifically said in your post that I was trying to say "N-igger head" when in fact nothing could be further from the truth. For that, I can find no forgiveness in my heart. It's insulting and the fact that you made a concentrated effort to post it not in one thread, but to follow me around to different forums...that was an obvious effort to either hurt or embarress.

    I called my french friend (a good friend of mine in her 50's who lives here but was born and raised in france) and asked her about it. She did not translate it as "N-head" but instead told me it's a very very dark brown, almost black.

    Further more, the word for brown in spanish is also Negra..and I don't think they're specifically targeting a race of's a color, not meant to offend, used often, and named often in books, never meaning to be confused with the words you are choosing to insist I want to say.

    The fact that china is copying an english translation badly isn't my fault. We've done the same in english with other languages. Some of our normal language is quite offensive, including the name of a major brand of makeup which means something horribly rude in german.

    That is my final word on the issue. Don't follow me around again fern, and expect that I won't complain to GW. It's a violation of TOS to harrass a member, and you've done so.

    ::Shaking head::

    brutuses, yes it's up for sale...actually it has been for almost two years. It's a high priced property in a retirement area used as a B&B. It does not cash flow well (losses over $50,000 annually for the last several years) which is probably why it hasn't sold. Now the market is going further sideways which does not help. It's basically a retirement community and most retired people don't want a huge house :) they tend to go the opposite direction so it's not capturing that market either. And most young families (my son is young we aren't LOL) can't afford there it sits.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Igloo princess chicken,It sure does need some thinning out of the flowers thats for sure! It is a wonderful house and it needs a family to make it real again. Great possibilities! We have been in that part of Wash and loved it.
    Ain't french house, but then what is? It will be a great house for you and your guys.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Well it looks like a project that should keep you occupied for a while. It is lovely.