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My partner treats me so bad , but I love him, how do I fix us?

11 years ago

I've been living with my partner for almost two years now, and in the beginning I didn't know about his drug problem. When I found out I asked him to stop, for me. Well nothing has changed. He goes off with his friends and they always influence him back into drugs. It's been so hrs to me , I really love him, I even supported his ass when he wasn't working , which was a long time. I took the stress of paying rent and bills. All with a part time job. Even then he didn't appreciate what I did for him, he stole from me , flirted with other girls , to the extent of talking about having sex. I really think he has cheated on me. Well he just started working, with his druggie friend of course. Every time I get in the car I find blunts and lighters, I've even found remnants of weed. I flip out on him, and he gets angry. Saying it's his friends. I just don't know what to do anymore. I want to stay with him, but he does no sacrifices for me. He was supposed to get paid yesterday , and he told me he hadn't . I looked in his car and he had money. So he lied to. He probly expects me to keep paying rent and bills while he buys drugs and rides his friends around. Today I resided that i would stop nagging him about the drugs, maybe that will fix our relationship. Sometimes he is so bad to me, he slaps me , watches me crying and just gets irritated.he insults me , one time he even hit me on my heart and then kicked me really hard on my leg. I was so messed up that day because he wanted to call the cops and my family. I didn't want him to , because I loved him. So I cut myself, well accidentally too deep because I had to get stiches. Which he forced me to go to the emergency room. He acted so sweet afterword , saying sorry , you know I love you right. Well that was a couple months ago, and still he acts like a jerk to me.i told him if u don't want to be with me tell me. And he says he wants to be with me . He always make me feel like the bad guy when he is the one that has done wrong. How do I turn this relationship around? How do I make us happy again, and him nicer to me?

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