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I LOVE my Golden ---- I'm about to kill him!

16 years ago

Oh help! Please!

Many of you were kind enough to give me no end of advice when we were researching getting a Golden Retriever puppy. We got him, he's the best dog in the world. I adore him, he's my wubbawubbawubba! My son loves him, calls him his "little brother." Anakin is 11 months old now.

He's got a very Zen temperment, very laid back, unsual for a Golden puppy. He's obedient, he's a great traveler (even 13 hours in the car to Florida), he's affectionate. What's not to love?? I'll tell you....

He POOPS in the house! Okay, not always, and not even often. But he's done it three times this week and something has to be done.

Normally, he's on a pretty good poop schedule....In the morning after breakfast, when I get home from work at 2:30 (sometimes not always) and then after dinner at 5:30. If he's in his crate, he whines to go out. But otherwise he NEVER signals if he's outside his crate. I'm supposed to read his mind. So what happens is I find myself taking him out often to see IF he has to go. He usually piddles, fine and dandy.

We've tried the bell on the door, he doesn't get it. If he's tethered to the kitchen island, he whines. If he's in his crate, he whines. BUT if he's free, loose in the house, he lets it go, usually in the dining room.

WHAT am I doing wrong? He's ELEVEN months old. He KNOWS he's supposed to friggin "go" outside. He KNOWS it. The first time (couple of days ago), I wrote it off because he had a bad tummy from his heartworm pill. But then this morning, he'd already had his post breakfast poop, had JUST been outside to piddle, then five minutes later what do I find in the dining room? You guessed it!!

Please help. There's no question of Ani-banani really being killed. I'll pick up poop forever. But please, it doesn't have to be this way. Please tell me what I can do to help him stop pooping in the house when he's not restrained in some way. I want to be able to give him full freedom in the house.



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