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Spasm or mini seizure ??

15 years ago

I'm hoping someone here will have a clue...

My almost 9 month old daughter is having these weird "spasms" seems to be the only way I can describe them. Randomly during the day, she opens her mouth as wide as it will go as if she were to scream. It lasts for about 3-4 seconds, then stops, then she does it 2 more times in a row. I'd say in one day it probably happens a total of 15 times? I don't think she has control over it (she is not doing it on purpose) it's like she is having a mini seizure or something? It's starting to really scare me. They don't seem to bother or upset her? And it doesn't seem like it's the rest of her body, just her mouth. When I hold her, I can feel her tense a little.

Being a baby, she has bumped her head on many things. Looking back I can't think of any that were serious enough to cause damage??

We have an appt with her doctor next week and I'm going to ask her, but in the meantime, has anyone else's child/grandchild done this? I'm hoping it's a weird baby thing that she'll grow out of? I think it must be just the last few weeks, because I would have said something at her 6 month appt, if she was doing it? She seems to be healthy in every other way (except she is a petite girl). She has hit all her developmental milestones on time if not early. She has 2 teeth right now and 2 more coming in, but I doubt this is a reaction to teething. My older daughter had a seizure when she was 1, but that was due to a fever spiking and not a family history.

I googled and found infantile spasms, but they seem to affect more of the body (arms, legs) and not just the head area. Someone suggested video taping it to show the doc, which might not be a bad idea, but they are real quick. I'm just hoping it's not something real serious!!

Teresa=Scared momma :(

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