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Jack is in the hospital

13 years ago

Jack, our chocolate Lab, is now 8 months old. He has seriously been the worst puppy we have ever had for chewing and eating stuff. He recently ate a chair. He ate a lamp, chewed his way out of his crate (that little trick took awhile over time). I could go on but I won't.

At 74 pounds, we are grateful for his stupidity. We are sure he could jump over the baby gate that keeps him in the laundry room when we leave but so far he hasn't figured that out.

Saturday we went Christmas shopping and when we came home around 6:00, he had vomited all over the laundry room. There was so much vomit, I couldn't believe it. But he seemed OK. Happy that we brought him new toys and was busy doing his thing.

By 9:00, he wasn't acting like Jack. He was acting like he wasn't feeling well. Wouldn't eat the treat we gave him for hours. When he finally did, he vomited it back up.

Sunday morning, he was feeing worse so I phoned our vet. He said to watch him, give him small amounts of water and bring him in on Monday morning.

They did a couple Xrays and couldn't find anything definitive so they are doing a barium test to see if it goes through his intestines. I'm hoping he didn't eat a poison mushroom in the yard. That could be bad.

If he needs surgery, the bill will be $2,500. Right now, the bill stands at $500.

I am hoping he doesn't need surgery. He is such a loving dog but if we can get him through puppyhood, it's going to be a miracle.

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