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LG Steam Washer on the 2nd Floor

16 years ago


I have been reading through as many posts on this topic as I can, and still need more input from LG Steam Washer owners who have units on the second floor!

We own the LG Steam Washer & coordinating Dryer. (We bought it in June, so not the newest model that just came out. Last year's model. I don't remember the model number and they are currently in storage).

When we bought these, they were in a first floor laundry room off of the kitchen, above a basement, in a newly constructed house. I loved them. I never had the vibration problems that some people had, and I was very happy with them.

We have since moved out of state and are going to be moving into a new house in about a month. This house is not new construction. However, the laundry room (which is on the second floor) is in an addition which was constructed within the last two years. I was speaking with the contractor who built the addition and was asking him about the floor construction. Now, of course, I can't remember exactly what he said, but he didn't think there would be a vibration problem. He said the floors were not done with plywood, but instead are done with concrete backerboard (this might not be the right term). He said it is what is being used in laundry rooms now. And the floors are tile.

Now that you have probably too much background info, can anyone tell me their experiences with the LG Steam Washer on the second floor? Do you have it in a drip tray, on a stall mat, in a drip tray AND on a stall mat? Does it vibrate excessively? If you don't have vibration problems, what is your set up? If you had/have vibration problems, what did you do and what was the outcome?

I am wondering if I am being overly concerned about putting these on the second floor?

Also, I am not sure that I understand why there would be such a big difference in vibration between a first floor that's over a basement, and a second floor?

Thank you very much for any information you have!

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