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Age spots on hands and my idea for preventing them

terezosa / terriks
12 years ago

I have what I consider "old lady" hands. The skin on them is very thin and there isn't enough "padding" so my veins show. I also had some ugly age spots until last month I went to the dermatologist and asked what I could do to get rid of them. I have tried different lightening creams, etc., to no avail. My derm said that laser was the best, but that the liquid nitrogen that she uses to freeze off moles and skin tags sometimes works. So she zapped my hands in about 10 places. Within hours my light brown age spots were larger and darker. Within a couple of days they were sort of blistery and gross. Now that I'm about done with the entire "molting" process, I can see that the spots are pretty much gone. Yay!

Which leads me to prevention. I know that using sunscreen on my hands is the most important thing, but it can be a pain to reapply. Then I was reading in a magazine about anew product that is a hand treatment with sunscreen in it that is a balm in a swivel up stick form. I about choked when I read the price - $43! Then I thought to myself, isn't there already a sunscreen product out there in a stick format? So I bought some Banana Boat Ultra Defense Sunscreen Stick for $4.00. It has SPF 50, and the spendy stuff was only 30. It will be handy to keep in my purse and rub on the backs of my hands.

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