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Can I get some washer/dryer advice? Model no.'s included.

12 years ago

Our Whirlpool Duet Sport dryer (model no WED8300SW1) died a few days ago. It's displaying an F-01 code which I have been told means it needs a new central control unit to the tune of roughly $300. I don't like the dryer that much. I'm buy used and getting a GE dryer, model no. GTDP208EDWW. If you know anything about this particular dryer, tell me all about it please.

I have a Whirlpool Duet Sport front-loader washing machine (model no WFW8400TW00) that I don't love. It works well so I plan on selling it and replacing it with something better-suited for us.

The guy I'm buying the dryer from has offered to trade my FL'ing washing machine for a GE Hydrowave with agitator (model no WJRE5550HWW) or a Whirlpool Direct Drive (model no LSQ9549LQ0). I've researched both and I don't think either are a good fit for me.

Can you recommend a good, basic, easy-to-repair washing machine for us? I want something that loads from the top, that uses enough water to get my clothes clean and is more gentle on clothes. We're a family of 5 with small children so I'll be washing at least a load a day, but probably about 3 loads a day. We cloth diaper also and the washing machine I have just isn't doing a good job at getting our diapers really clean.

I don't mind older models as long as they are very reliable. Sorry for all the chatter. I'm completely overwhelmed with this decision and have probably already over-analyzed. I really appreciate any help you can offer.

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