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Cooking music?

14 years ago

Over in Kitchens awhile back there was a bump thread, which was about bumping the thread, but into which someone introduced a cd from Bump Kitchen, a Seattle area, more or less R&B group. I bought the cd because the samples sounded good, and sure enough, it's pretty good cooking music, if a bit hard driving at times.

During the preparations for Passover and during the holiday I played appropriate holiday music.

Since then, I just haven't been in the mood for hunting and pecking around the playlists, and found new go to cooking music: Caliente on XM. It's a lot of merengue, at least when I'm listening, and salsa, and some dance style Latin pop that I'm not cool enough to be able to identify. These are fabulous beats to cook to, and the songs have a lot of the melodic romanticism of classic Latin pop, which is very calming on top of the springy beat. Love it!

What is your cooking music?

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