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12 years ago

I'm touching on religion here and I don't want this to go where it shouldn't. I am just curious as to what you feel about this. My husband and I have friends who live out of state. They recently were guests in our home for a week. My husband and I say grace before each meal. Our friends do not. In fact, they are not churchgoers. We continued with our practice of grace before each meal. Last week we were guests in their home for the week. My husband insisted on saying grace before each meal. Our hosts were gracious enough not to object but I did notice that they did not really participate in the grace. In fact, they both did such things as taking a drink, picking up the silverware, etc. while my husband was saying grace. I feel that since we were guests in their home it would have been better if each of us had said our own silent grace before each meal. He disagrees. WWYD?

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