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Found easy solution for greying towels and wash cloths

14 years ago

By mere accident I found a realy easy way of getting the grey out of towels and wash cloths. It may work for other laundry too.

My little girl had spilt a lot of melted margerine on the floor. In an effort to cover up her spill she decided to clean it herself. (She wasn't afraid of getting into trouble for the spill itself, but what she had been doing to cause the spill. LOL) She grabbed a whole bunch of my cleaning rags and towels and wiped up the mess. She then put the towels in the laundry room and said nothing.

Of course me finding the towels there I went ahead and washed them. I had assumed my husband, sister or mother had used them. Well, lets say they didn't come exactly clean. I couldn't figure out why they felt yucky and smelt weird. I washed them again, watched the little bit of suds form, figured "they'll get clean now." Well, they didn't.

Later my daughter finally confessed at which point I gave her a good lecture, a hug and kiss and sent her on her way to play. She was only six at the time and she did try to clean up the mess so I couldn't be too hard on her. : )

I didn't really feel like throwing most of my rags away so I decided to soak them in a bucket with dish soap. I soaked them for most of the day in warm water with 1/8 cup of dish soap and then rinsed them well. When almost all of the suds seemed gone in the rinsing I added 1/2 cup of washing soda and soaked them again for an hour to make sure all the dish soap was out. Wow! Not only was the funky smell gone, but the old grey dinginess from even before this incident was gone.

I personally have to use a bucket cuz I have a FL, but you may be able to get away with doing this in a reg TL. Just use a little more soap if you do. I also suggest using a stronger basic dish soap like Ajax or Dawn.

Also, keep lotion on hand cause the dish soap, repeated rinsing and washing soda are very drying to the skin.


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