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1/2 x1.5' red oak - anyone know a supplier?

16 years ago

We have a 1955 home with the original red oak floors. Our living room used to be 2 rooms, but they remodeled in 1985 and took down the wall between the living room and the kitchen to make one large living room and then added on a separate kitchen. When they did that they just carpeted over the existing hardwood and the kitchen tile. We have to pull out the gross 20 year old carpet no matter what, but we really want to refinish the hardwood. We have a quote from a really good flooring guy to install new wood in the 185sf section that is missing and to sand and refinish all of it to match. Unfortunately he was unable to locate a supplier for 1.5" wide red oak flooring.

Our alternatives are

1. To rip out the existing and start over with new hardwood. This makes me sad since the floor has character and it seems so wasteful and is too pricey for us at any rate.

2. Salvage the hardwood out of a bedroom that we are turning into a master bath and closet and have him install it in the LR. We would have to do the removal and this would be tedious. DH wants to do this.

3. Just install 2" red oak in the missing section and ignore the difference in the width. I've been leaning here.

Does anyone have any guidance for me on this one? Also, if anyone knows of a supplier for unfinished 1/2" x 1.5" red oak, I'd be unbelievably grateful!

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