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Residue on Hardwood Floor...help!

18 years ago

Hi All,

I first used orange glo hardwood cleaner, the one that comes in the spray bottle. I loved it, but ran out. So I went to walmart to get more. I couldn't find the exact one and ended up getting Orange Glo Hardwood Floor Cleaner and Polish. I cleaned out the used up spray bottle abd filled it with the new one.This left an icky residue on the floor. There was no shine after I put it on and there were streaks. By putting this into a spray bottle, did it put air bubbles in the cleaner? Leaving the floor dull?

Anyways, my original question is, I need to really clean the floor good and then retry cleaning it with the original cleaner (which I ended up finding in a different isle at walmart). What is the safest and most gentle way to clean it, so that I can get the shine back? Thanks and if you need anymore info just let me know!

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