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14 years ago

1. What are you wearing right now?

2. What have you eaten today or plan on eating?

3. What is your weather like today?

4. Do you have anything special or important planned for this week, and if so, what?

5. If you could sit and gossip with one famous person, either from past or present, who would it be? I'm not talking about Big Brains, I'm talking about someone you think would be chatty, gossipy and fun. :)

6. Where do you prefer to get your news from?

7. For you women, do you wear a bra when you're home, knowing no one is coming over? hee

8. What plant in your garden is thriving this summer?

9. Where did you get the best hamburger you've ever eaten from a restaurant or a fast food place? Do not include homemade burgers.

10. What do you see out the window closest to where you're sitting?

Comments (23)

  • Oakley
    Original Author
    14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    1. What are you wearing right now?

    Red tee shirt with a large dragon fly on it.

    2. What have you eaten today or plan on eating?

    A Boost for breakfast, a Lean Cuisine for lunch, and a slice of chocolate cake.

    3. What is your weather like today?


    4. Do you have anything special or important planned for this week, and if so, what?

    The painters come tomorrow! The cabinet doors are painted, so we're getting there.

    5. If you could sit and gossip with one famous person, either from past or present, who would it be? I'm not talking about Big Brains, I'm talking about someone you think would be chatty, gossipy and fun. :)

    I was telling a friend the other day I'd like to sit and chat with Dolly Parton. lol

    6. Where do you prefer to get your news from?

    The Internet.

    7. For you women, do you wear a bra when you're home, knowing no one is coming over? hee


    8. What plant in your garden is thriving this summer?

    The Hibiscus' are going nuts! Out of all my flowers, the Hibiscus' are the ones people are the most drawn to.

    9. Where did you get the best hamburger you've ever eaten from a restaurant or a fast food place? Do not include homemade burgers.

    From a dive called "Lotta Burger" when I was a kid. Or Kip's Big Boy. Anyone remember them? YUM. No wonder I love Big Mac's so much!

    10. What do you see out the window closest to where you're sitting?

    Wheat fields which were just harvested, our neighbor's house which is a quarter mile away, a big creek between us, some of my flowerbed and my car.

  • User
    14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    1. What are you wearing right now?

    Brown pants, deep turquoise v-necked top with brown cami peeking out beneath, brown high-heeled boots. And it's too freakin' hot for this outfit today.

    2. What have you eaten today or plan on eating?

    Oatmeal, Amy's veggie loaf frozen dinner, string cheese, peach yogurt.

    3. What is your weather like today?

    Hot, hot, hot, and did I mention HOT? There's not a breeze blowing at all, and the humidity makes me feel like ripping people's heads off. :-/

    4. Do you have anything special or important planned for this week, and if so, what?

    Lunch with my boss tomorrow, symphony orchestra concert in the botanical garden on Saturday.

    5. If you could sit and gossip with one famous person, either from past or present, who would it be? I'm not talking about Big Brains, I'm talking about someone you think would be chatty, gossipy and fun. :)

    The wonderful author Augusten Burroughs. I just love that man!

    6. Where do you prefer to get your news from?

    Online - numerous sources.

    7. For you women, do you wear a bra when you're home, knowing no one is coming over? hee

    Absolutely not!

    8. What plant in your garden is thriving this summer?

    My sweet potato vine threatens to take over the entire house. I'm waiting for it to creep into the windows and strangle me as I sleep.

    9. Where did you get the best hamburger you've ever eaten from a restaurant or a fast food place? Do not include homemade burgers.

    Veggie burger at Michael's Kitchen in Taos, New Mexico.

    10. What do you see out the window closest to where you're sitting?

    The balcony that separates the east wing of the floor of my office from the west wing.

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  • lindybarts
    14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    1. What are you wearing right now?
    V-neck Tshirt and Cargo Capri's

    2. What have you eaten today or plan on eating?
    My favorite Classic Burger from The Cheesecake Factory

    3. What is your weather like today?
    A Gorgeous 74 with a light breeze and blue skies

    4. Do you have anything special or important planned for this week, and if so, what?
    Had lunch today with my girls to celebrate my birthday. Hubby is out of town! :c(

    5. If you could sit and gossip with one famous person, either from past or present, who would it be? I'm not talking about Big Brains, I'm talking about someone you think would be chatty, gossipy and fun. :)
    JFK, Jr? I don't know if he qualifies as gossipy though?

    6. Where do you prefer to get your news from?
    Internet mostly

    7. For you women, do you wear a bra when you're home, knowing no one is coming over? hee
    Yes, always

    8. What plant in your garden is thriving this summer?
    Carpet Roses

    9. Where did you get the best hamburger you've ever eaten from a restaurant or a fast food place? Do not include homemade burgers.
    As mentioned above...the Classic Burger from Cheesecake factory is soooo juicy and the garlic dip spread makes it melt in your mouth.

    10. What do you see out the window closest to where you're sitting?
    Arbor Vitae and a peek at the roses

  • pbrisjar
    14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    1. What are you wearing right now?
    Jeans, lavender v-neck tee, my funky purple earrings and black sandals

    2. What have you eaten today or plan on eating?
    Breakfast: steel cut oatmeal
    Lunch: turkey wrap
    Dinner: probably tamales and avocado/tomato salad. Maybe just popcorn if Hubby gets home in time for us to go to the movies.

    3. What is your weather like today?
    HOT. Too d*mned hot.

    4. Do you have anything special or important planned for this week, and if so, what?
    We're "on duty" this weekend (taking care of Mom and company) so no. Makes me sad because it's Pride Weekend in SF and we will have to miss it.

    5. If you could sit and gossip with one famous person, either from past or present, who would it be? I'm not talking about Big Brains, I'm talking about someone you think would be chatty, gossipy and fun. :)
    Dorothy Parker or Oscar Wilde

    6. Where do you prefer to get your news from?
    BBC or NPR

    7. For you women, do you wear a bra when you're home, knowing no one is coming over? hee
    Heck no.

    8. What plant in your garden is thriving this summer?
    Don't really have a garden. The creeping / ground cover roses in the front yard are doing OK.

    9. Where did you get the best hamburger you've ever eaten from a restaurant or a fast food place? Do not include homemade burgers.
    This itty bitty hole in the wall restaurant in northern CA Hubby and I stumbled upon while on one of our CL adventures. I believe it was called Lucy's or some such. They had awesome onion rings and shakes, too.

    10. What do you see out the window closest to where you're sitting?
    I'm in the middle of a cube farm so no windows. If I turn around and crane my neck, I can see a small patch of sky out of the one window in our office area.

  • golddust
    14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    1. What are you wearing right now?

    Blue jean bermuda shorts and a peasant blouse that is red and white pinstriped. Sandals with ankle straps.

    2. What have you eaten today or plan on eating?

    Nothing yet and it's 2:00 PM. That is next but don't know what is in the house to eat. LOL!

    3. What is your weather like today?

    A dry 78 degrees.

    4. Do you have anything special or important planned for this week, and if so, what?

    Getting board insurance for my non-profit. Just got off a conference call with our lawyer and have a long list to wade through. Personally, I have to do laundry. Am consulting someone on their doll collection tomorrow.

    5. If you could sit and gossip with one famous person, either from past or present, who would it be? I'm not talking about Big Brains, I'm talking about someone you think would be chatty, gossipy and fun. :)

    Michelle Obama.

    6. Where do you prefer to get your news from?

    CNN, BBC and NPR. MSNBC's 'Rachael Maddow Show' once in awhile, for relief. :+)

    7. For you women, do you wear a bra when you're home, knowing no one is coming over? hee


    8. What plant in your garden is thriving this summer?

    My daisies are beautiful right now. Early here for many other plants.

    9. Where did you get the best hamburger you've ever eaten from a restaurant or a fast food place? Do not include homemade burgers.

    'Aaron's', a local burger place who wins the 'people's choice' award here every single year.

    10. What do you see out the window closest to where you're sitting?

    A large walnut tree that is around 85 years old. Our little red studio sits behind the giant tree and the siding matches our house. (I think it's really cute. LOL!) Oh! there is a ladder DH is using to paint the exterior pipe we put in to plumb our new bathroom. He's painting it to match the house color.

  • mitchdesj
    14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    1. What are you wearing right now?

    favorite jeans, black thin v neck, silver necklace, black flip flops

    2. What have you eaten today or plan on eating?
    tuna salad on baguette for lunch, chicken pot pie in the oven for dinner

    3. What is your weather like today?

    perfect summer day, 85 degrees; I golfed yesterday in high winds and 79 cloudy day

    4. Do you have anything special or important planned for this week, and if so, what?

    tomorrow is a quebec holiday, everything's closed , otherwise I have bills to pay, filing to do, closets to clean out, etc...

    5. If you could sit and gossip with one famous person, either from past or present, who would it be? I'm not talking about Big Brains, I'm talking about someone you think would be chatty, gossipy and fun. :)

    Ellen Degeneres

    6. Where do you prefer to get your news from?

    the internet

    7. For you women, do you wear a bra when you're home, knowing no one is coming over? hee

    always; fighting puppies is not my favorite look

    8. What plant in your garden is thriving this summer?

    zero plants, I live in a high rise in the city

    9. Where did you get the best hamburger you've ever eaten from a restaurant or a fast food place? Do not include homemade burgers.

    sliders from Eatzy's in dallas - although I love a teen burger at A&W,
    les folies terrace, vasco de gamas, too many to name, I always seek good burgers, love them, protein, veggies and bread in one hand, perfect food !

    10. What do you see out the window closest to where you're sitting?

    mountain, shriner's hospital, different rooftops, my big buddah on the balcony

  • Bumblebeez SC Zone 7
    14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    1. What are you wearing right now?
    Red sundress

    2. What have you eaten today or plan on eating?
    Dinner is roasted asparagus, and something...
    3. What is your weather like today?
    Hot, but clear and beautiful
    4. Do you have anything special or important planned for this week, and if so, what? I may have a funeral to go to this weekend. A sil's brother is near death.

    5. If you could sit and gossip with one famous person, either from past or present, who would it be? I'm not talking about Big Brains, I'm talking about someone you think would be chatty, gossipy and fun. :)
    Hmmm, those adjectives seem to apply only to the last fifty years so while all of history is open to me, I might not know any of the people we are gossiping about so I'll have to say Oprah. Maybe she would give the dirt on everybody.
    Tom Cruise, is he or isn't he? Herself, yes or no?

    6. Where do you prefer to get your news from?

    7. For you women, do you wear a bra when you're home, knowing no one is coming over? hee
    Oh, you small chested women. Big girls require bras all the time.

    8. What plant in your garden is thriving this summer?
    So many, but the Salvia farinaceas are always stunning.

    9. Where did you get the best hamburger you've ever eaten from a restaurant or a fast food place? Do not include homemade burgers. The first time I had a real hamburger was when I was 14. I had only had my mom's and fast food (little ones) and this was a shack called the Daisy Queen. It was a very cold day and we had been standing outside downtown watching a Christmas parade. An Amazing hamburger.
    And today, I don't even like hamburgers much at all.

    10. What do you see out the window closest to where you're sitting? Trees, flowers, garden. But that's the view from all our windows.

  • cooperbailey
    14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    1. What are you wearing right now?
    khaki cargo capris, pink v neck tshirt, brown crocs, earrings.

    2. What have you eaten today or plan on eating?
    We are on a "staycation" so I have eaten a wonderful omelet, hash browns and english muffin at a cute little place called Dusenbergs, and for lunch rare pit beef sandwich and fries from the BBQ House- stopped on a whim! homemade Caprese salad for dinner with garlic bread from shop we visited on travels today.

    3. What is your weather like today?

    perfect summer day, 85 degrees. absolutely perfect.

    1. Do you have anything special or important planned for this week, and if so, what?

    Relax, relax relax! maybe go boating and swim the dogs, go to Crumpton tomorrow, a day trip to Longwood gardens, or elsewhere, out to dinner. sit and read. whatever!

    5. If you could sit and gossip with one famous person, either from past or present, who would it be? I'm not talking about Big Brains, I'm talking about someone you think would be chatty, gossipy and fun. :)

    Bono from U2; Ed Kowalczyk from the band Live

    6. Where do you prefer to get your news from?

    Foxsnews channel; internet

    7. For you women, do you wear a bra when you're home, knowing no one is coming over? hee


    8. What plant in your garden is thriving this summer?
    roses;daylilies;purpleconeflower; Argentinian sage. with this rain everyone is happy!

    9. Where did you get the best hamburger you've ever eaten from a restaurant or a fast food place? Do not include homemade burgers.
    5 Guys Burgers and Fries, Canton, MD

    10. What do you see out the window closest to where you're sitting?

    trees in my yard and neighbors yard; a peek of a wall next door; blue sky

  • tinam61
    14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    What are you wearing right now?

    Black cami and grey knit shorts

    2. What have you eaten today or plan on eating?

    Iced mocha coffee, bagel w/cheese for breakfast. Nachos for lunch. Thin pork chops, squash casserole, fresh cukes, tomatoes and cantaloupe will be dinner.

    3. What is your weather like today?

    Hot and humid

    4. Do you have anything special or important planned for this week, and if so, what?

    We are not planners, we do things on impulse. I like Cooper Bailey's ideas though! We may take the boat out also.

    5. If you could sit and gossip with one famous person, either from past or present, who would it be? I'm not talking about Big Brains, I'm talking about someone you think would be chatty, gossipy and fun. :)

    I'm drawing a blank on this one right now.

    6. Where do you prefer to get your news from?

    I usually watch the early morning local news - bits and pieces anyway . . .

    7. For you women, do you wear a bra when you're home, knowing no one is coming over? hee

    Much of the time. I don't want sagging hooties!

    8. What plant in your garden is thriving this summer?
    My roses, tomatoes and cukes, the mandivallas, petunias - we've had plenty of rain so far (usually in drought by now), so it's very lush around here so far!

    9. Where did you get the best hamburger you've ever eaten from a restaurant or a fast food place? Do not include homemade burgers.

    Drawing a blank on this one too - we're not big on eating burgers out.

    10. What do you see out the window closest to where you're sitting?

    Out into the back - my rhododendrens need to be pruned - they are up too high into the window LOL!


    PS - - Jen! I can hardly stand boots in the winter around here, I cannot imagine them this time of year! I hate my feet covered up.

  • johnmari
    14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    1. What are you wearing right now?

    Gray sweatpants and black t-shirt.

    2. What have you eaten today or plan on eating?

    Just finished a really killer cheeseburger. Have been having major meat cravings lately! (Had checkup this afternoon. Dr. is not the least bit worried about that.) Oh, and the last tiny bit - about 3/4 cup of last night's Szechuan peanut pasta with veggies and shrimp for breakfast.

    3. What is your weather like today?

    Chilly (low 60s) and rainy, just like the last couple of weeks. Two more days of this and then more seasonal 80ish but still wet. :-(

    4. Do you have anything special or important planned for this week, and if so, what?

    Nope, same old routine. I like routine.

    5. If you could sit and gossip with one famous person, either from past or present, who would it be? I'm not talking about Big Brains, I'm talking about someone you think would be chatty, gossipy and fun. :)

    Jon Stewart or maybe Graham Norton (hosts a very silly talkshow on BBC, like The Tonight Show with wine and gold lame')

    6. Where do you prefer to get your news from?

    WBZ radio out of Boston and The Daily Show. ;-) Oh, and I watch Rachel Maddow sometimes because she has a fabulous sense of humor and makes no bones about being a commentator rather than a journalist, unlike most of the talking heads on TV.

    7. For you women, do you wear a bra when you're home, knowing no one is coming over? hee

    Sometimes, depending on what I'm doing. If I'm just hanging out on the couch then often no, but if I'm cleaning or doing something more active like that I do. (Basically it depends on whether they're going to bounce or not! LOL) Next time I'm flush I think I'll order a couple of soft bras from Decent Exposures but at fifty bucks a pop, yikes.

    8. What plant in your garden is thriving this summer?

    My lilac. We got it this spring from a neighbor who's being foreclosed on and I swear the thing's grown a foot since we moved it. It even put out a few blooms last month when we had been warned that it probably wouldn't. I'm surprised it has survived, since it's at MY house. :-) Here's proof:

    9. Where did you get the best hamburger you've ever eaten from a restaurant or a fast food place? Do not include homemade burgers.

    Wild Willy's, Rochester NH - and I just had one! Closely followed by Portsmouth Brewery in Portsmouth, NH and Strafford Farms in Dover, NH (great patty melt).

    10. What do you see out the window closest to where you're sitting?

    A little of the maple tree in front of my house and the house across the street. And more rain.

  • mrsmarv
    14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    1. What are you wearing right now?
    Checkered pajama bottoms and an old white t-shirt.

    1. What have you eaten today or plan on eating?
      Oatmeal for breakfast. We had our monthly birthday celebration at work today, so it ran the gamut from Caesar salad to pizza, to fruit salad to banana pudding trifle.

    3. What is your weather like today?
    High 70's and sunshine. It's the first mostly sunny day in the past 3 weeks. But don't worry, there's more rain on the horizon.

    4. Do you have anything special or important planned for this week, and if so, what?
    Rest. I was just diagnosed with Lyme disease and am on a kick-butt antibiotic. And stay out of the sun, the doctor said, because of the reaction to the antibiotic. Okay, sure...did I tell you, doc, that I have a 20x30 foot garden and 7 acres? Yep, sure.

    5. If you could sit and gossip with one famous person, either from past or present, who would it be? I'm not talking about Big Brains, I'm talking about someone you think would be chatty, gossipy and fun. :)
    Ellen DeGeneres

    6. Where do you prefer to get your news from?
    MSNBC, CNN, local news channel, internet.

    7. For you women, do you wear a bra when you're home, knowing no one is coming over? hee
    Nope...sans one now ;o)

    8. What plant in your garden is thriving this summer?
    Potatoes, all varieties.

    9. Where did you get the best hamburger you've ever eaten from a restaurant or a fast food place? Do not include homemade burgers.
    Handshakes. It's a local eatery.

    10. What do you see out the window closest to where you're sitting?
    Trees, birds, deer, turkey and the occasional chipper.

  • mahatmacat1
    14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    1. What are you wearing right now?
    Just jeans and a t-shirt. Out of the nice clothes I wore today (see below).

    2. What have you eaten today or plan on eating?
    Had the usual oatmeal and protein drink for breakfast, then had a nice sandwich of crusty bread, mozz, tomato & basil for lunch, now more protein drink. I am REALLY bad at planning dinners.

    3. What is your weather like today?
    Stunningly beautiful. Perfect. Amazing.

    4. Do you have anything special or important planned for this week, and if so, what?
    We just came home from a VERY special thing -- our city is opening a new nature park where DD and DH volunteered as wildlife monitors for the past couple years -- they asked her to be a speaker, going onstage just before the mayor, to give people a sense of what the park was like before it was opened to the public (it was a nature preserve). She NAILED it--evidently her descriptions were so beautiful they made people cry, seriously (I was up front, so I didn't see, but a staff member came up and told us afterwards), and they want to put my video of her speech on the park website (which may or may not be possible -- I'm not that good at holding the camera still)--now, she's up taking a nap and I just woke up from mine. Parks open early :)

    5. If you could sit and gossip with one famous person, either from past or present, who would it be? I'm not talking about Big Brains, I'm talking about someone you think would be chatty, gossipy and fun. :)
    I *already* thought of Oscar Wilde before I read pbrisjar's response, I swear! :) But only if I could know that he wouldn't snub me. I'd want to be on his good side. Otherwise it would be torture.
    In terms of a woman: I would pick Dorothy Parker but pbrisjar will think I'm stalking her :). How about...let's see...Emmy Hennings. She was Hugo Ball's wife. In a past life I specialized in the original avant-garde and I've always wanted to know what it was like to be a woman among all those men. Gossip about those guys would be fascinating to me. (I even got my hair cut like her one time -- took her picture in to my stylist. I was younger then...)

    6. Where do you prefer to get your news from?
    Online, several sources. Huffington Post/Truthout/Buzzflash among them. Then google news for more angles.

    7. For you women, do you wear a bra when you're home, knowing no one is coming over? hee
    If I've been out, then yes, until around 9 pm when any bra suddenly becomes intolerable.

    8. What plant in your garden is thriving this summer?
    What *isn't* thriving?! It's been an amazing year fertility -wise. One extra-bright spot: last weekend we just picked more orange raspberries (and red too) than we ever have, and that's just the tip of what's ripening. Should be a good year for produce :)

    9. Where did you get the best hamburger you've ever eaten from a restaurant or a fast food place? Do not include homemade burgers.
    I honestly can't think...probably McMenamin's, one time, a special burger. Their regular burgers--o.k. but not great, although they are Oregon Country Beef. Since we won't eat anything but hormone-free natural beef, it limits our possibilities. We do make *mean* burgers at home, though -- had some this weekend, grilled (I know it's bad for you but it tastes so good) - YUM!

    10. What do you see out the window closest to where you're sitting?
    Our deck, which currently has DD's bike set up on rollers for PT for her knee.

    Here is a link that might be useful: o.k., I still love her haircut even now...

  • Sueb20
    14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    1. What are you wearing right now?
    Blue sweatpants, orange t-shirt. Tres chic.

    2. What have you eaten today or plan on eating?
    Toast and pb for breakfast. Kids' mac & cheese for lunch. Pizza for dinner. Not the healthiest eating day but there's nothing in the house because we're going on vacation tomorrow!

    3. What is your weather like today?
    Awful. It's been awful all month around here (Boston). Rain, rain, rain, and in the 60s. Blah! I am envious of anyone who answered "hot and/or humid" to this question!

    4. Do you have anything special or important planned for this week, and if so, what?
    Woohoo! Going on vacation to sunny CA tomorrow! Also, right now I am waiting for our architect to come over with final plans for a 2nd-floor renovation of our summer cottage. (Gee, I sound so fancy. I'm not, really. See #1.)

    5. If you could sit and gossip with one famous person, either from past or present, who would it be? I'm not talking about Big Brains, I'm talking about someone you think would be chatty, gossipy and fun. :)
    I think it would be fun to hang out with Ellen Degeneres.

    6. Where do you prefer to get your news from?
    People magazine. Kidding. Only sorta.

    7. For you women, do you wear a bra when you're home, knowing no one is coming over? hee
    Nope. I barely even need one anyway.

    8. What plant in your garden is thriving this summer?
    Some weird vine -- can't remember the name -- that has quadrupled in size and is taking over my side-yard fence.

    9. Where did you get the best hamburger you've ever eaten from a restaurant or a fast food place? Do not include homemade burgers.
    I really don't know. I don't order burgers in restaurants that often. We have a local small pub that has good ones, though.

    10. What do you see out the window closest to where you're sitting?
    The window near me is strange -- it looks across my small back porch and into my mudroom window! So basically, my view is of my coat closet door.

  • User
    14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    1. What are you wearing right now?
    jean, short sleeved rust colored shirt, fuzzy leopard flops.

    2. What have you eaten today or plan on eating?
    orange, plum, hamburger helper stuff, ...

    3. What is your weather like today?
    sunny and 83 degrees.

    4. Do you have anything special or important planned for this week, and if so, what?
    I'm on vacation! HOO-RAH! Going to the cabin this weekend, small trips planned throughout the week.

    5. If you could sit and gossip with one famous person, either from past or present, who would it be? I'm not talking about Big Brains, I'm talking about someone you think would be chatty, gossipy and fun. :)
    Brian Haner, Jr. He's the lead guitarist with the band Avenged Sevenfold and I'm gaga over him. :P

    6. Where do you prefer to get your news from?
    I honestly don't care to listen to the news. It's mostly doom and gloom.

    7. For you women, do you wear a bra when you're home, knowing no one is coming over? hee
    I ALWAYS have a bra on (unless I'm showering of course). Evenings/sleep it's a sport bra but I feel funny without one.

    8. What plant in your garden is thriving this summer?
    Sadly I don't have a garden. Out yard is still a "baby".

    9. Where did you get the best hamburger you've ever eaten from a restaurant or a fast food place? Do not include homemade burgers.
    Don't know which you'd call it but the place is Red Rabbit. Bunny Burgers are the best! They wait on you at your car! Like the old days...

    10. What do you see out the window closest to where you're sitting?
    grass, a bunny, fence.

  • folkvictorian
    14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    1. What are you wearing right now? ***Pink sleeveless shirt, denim shorts, black cat on lap.

    2. What have you eaten today or plan on eating? ***Toast, yogurt, chicken sandw, tacos for dinner.

    3. What is your weather like today? ***Very un-Wisconsin 94 degrees hot hot hot and humid.

    4. Do you have anything special or important planned for this week, and if so, what? ***Concrete trucks are coming Friday and Saturday to pour a short driveway outside our garage. Less dirt will be tracked into the house? Dream on!

    5. If you could sit and gossip with one famous person, either from past or present, who would it be? ***Winston Churchill. His one-liners were brilliant.

    6. Where do you prefer to get your news from? ***Internet

    7. For you women, do you wear a bra when you're home, knowing no one is coming over? hee ***Yup.

    8. What plant in your garden is thriving this summer? ***The hostas, planted several years ago when we moved here, are CRAZY this year and are absolutely gorgeous. Same for the irises and daisies, bleeding heart, everything, really.

    9. Where did you get the best hamburger you've ever eaten from a restaurant or a fast food place? Do not include homemade burgers. ***Best hamburgers were from an olde-tymey malt shop in St. Paul on Larpenter Avenue called Snuffy's (I think).

    10. What do you see out the window closest to where you're sitting? ***Mmmmm, acres of green grass and our humongous silver maple tree, the hay field across the fence, just cut, white gate, hummingbird, giant white peonies bent to the ground with heavy dew.

  • groomingal
    14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    1. What are you wearing right now?
    Green T-shirt and gray athletic Capris

    2. What have you eaten today or plan on eating?
    Watermelon Salad, Pancakes

    3. What is your weather like today?
    Hotter than a hooker in church

    4. Do you have anything special or important planned for this week, and if so, what?
    Making Window Planters

    5. If you could sit and gossip with one famous person, either from past or present, who would it be?
    Dolly Parton- she comes into DH workplace occasionally- he waits until she leaves before he calls to tell me- darn him.

    6. Where do you prefer to get your news from?

    7. For you women, do you wear a bra when you're home?
    I even sleep in one

    8. What plant in your garden is thriving this summer?
    Pink Guara

    9. Where did you get the best hamburger you've ever eaten from a restaurant or a fast food place? Do not include homemade burgers.
    Five Guys- mushrooms,swiss

    10. What do you see out the window closest to where you're sitting?
    it's dark

  • skibby (zone 4 Vermont)
    14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    1. What are you wearing right now? Office clothes. Blue suit.
    2. What have you eaten today or plan on eating? I'm embarrassed to say - a bologna sanwich. But I also have an avocado and a perfect peach.

    3. What is your weather like today? Gorgeous (finally!) sunny and upper seventies.

    4. Do you have anything special or important planned for this week, and if so, what? Just trying to get through the week - I'm on vacation after Friday.

    5. If you could sit and gossip with one famous person, either from past or present, who would it be? I'm not talking about Big Brains, I'm talking about someone you think would be chatty, gossipy and fun. :) Tasha Tudor.

    6. Where do you prefer to get your news from? Radio. I turn it off if it gets too dismal.

    7. For you women, do you wear a bra when you're home, knowing no one is coming over? hee I don't even own one. Hee.

    8. What plant in your garden is thriving this summer? Echinops. I've gone out and bought three more.

    9. Where did you get the best hamburger you've ever eaten from a restaurant or a fast food place? Do not include homemade burgers. A & W - I so miss that.

    10. What do you see out the window closest to where you're sitting? Men working in trees - no joke!

  • hhireno
    14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    1. What are you wearing right now?
    Khaki skort, turquoise tee, sandals

    2. What have you eaten today or plan on eating?
    Shredded wheat with strawberries and yogurt

    3. What is your weather like today?
    absolutely beautiful summer day, sunny and low 80s.

    4. Do you have anything special or important planned for this week, and if so, what?
    My sister & her family will be starting their one month visit. I can hardly wait to see them. And I'm always a little sad when they leave, even after a month long stay.

    5. If you could sit and gossip with one famous person, either from past or present, who would it be? I'm not talking about Big Brains, I'm talking about someone you think would be chatty, gossipy and fun. :)
    Hmm, I dunno, no one in particular springs to mind

    6. Where do you prefer to get your news from?

    7. For you women, do you wear a bra when you're home, knowing no one is coming over? hee

    8. What plant in your garden is thriving this summer?
    Mostly the weeds.

    9. Where did you get the best hamburger you've ever eaten from a restaurant or a fast food place? Do not include homemade burgers.
    It wasn't really a true burger but I had a mini prime rib sandwich with carmelized onion, gorgonzola cheese and a red wine sauce that was fab-u-lous from a place called Wise Guys in Hilton Head. They called it a slider but I find that name repulsive so I call it a mini burger.

    10. What do you see out the window closest to where you're sitting?
    My birch tree. I love how the little leaves flitter in the breeze. Once a 5 year old visitor asked me "how do you get your tree so white?".

  • jakabedy
    14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    1. What are you wearing right now?
    Jeans, green t-shirt and flip flops

    2. What have you eaten today or plan on eating?
    A ham and cheese bagel. Thinking of Chinese for lunch.

    3. What is your weather like today?
    Oppressive. Probably a high of 94 or 95 with heat index over 100.

    4. Do you have anything special or important planned for this week, and if so, what?
    Lots of conference calls for work, then a rehearsl and concrt this weekend. All in this HEAT!

    5. If you could sit and gossip with one famous person, either from past or present, who would it be? I'm not talking about Big Brains, I'm talking about someone you think would be chatty, gossipy and fun. :)
    Katharine Hepburn

    6. Where do you prefer to get your news from?
    NOR and my local paper

    7. For you women, do you wear a bra when you're home, knowing no one is coming over? hee
    I do. But sometimes I wear those little tanks with the shelf bra and a shirt over it -- especially if I'm going to be working around the house and sweating.

    8. What plant in your garden is thriving this summer?
    Weeds, hosta and the deathless cannas.

    9. Where did you get the best hamburger you've ever eaten from a restaurant or a fast food place? Do not include homemade burgers.
    I really like DQ's burgers.

    10. What do you see out the window closest to where you're sitting?
    Woods, glorious woods.

  • neetsiepie
    14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    1. What are you wearing right now?
    Jeans & a work T. Barefeet. I just got back from the field and my socks were covered with burrs and I couldn't wait to get them off!

    2. What have you eaten today or plan on eating?
    Far too much junk food. I was on the road all day.

    3. What is your weather like today?
    In the field it was 95 and sunny, but when I got home, the weather was in the mid-60's and getting cloudy.

    4. Do you have anything special or important planned for this week, and if so, what?

    5. If you could sit and gossip with one famous person, either from past or present, who would it be? I'm not talking about Big Brains, I'm talking about someone you think would be chatty, gossipy and fun. :)
    Susan Sarandon

    6. Where do you prefer to get your news from?

    7. For you women, do you wear a bra when you're home, knowing no one is coming over? hee
    HELL NO!!!

    8. What plant in your garden is thriving this summer?
    Flowers-roses. Veggies...right now only lettuce. It's been too cool to get much to take off. My potatos are going bonkers, and the zuchinni is just putting on fruit. The tomatoes are still only flowering.

    9. Where did you get the best hamburger you've ever eaten from a restaurant or a fast food place? Do not include homemade burgers.
    Oh I can't remember the place, but it was a blue cheese angus cheese throughout the meat, then crumbled all over the top. A sliced red onion, toasted bun...YUMMMM

    10. What do you see out the window closest to where you're sitting? Arborvitae. I hate them and want them out. Maybe when we replace the fence our neighbor will be happy we'll pull them out.

  • mahatmacat1
    14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    (side note to pesky: how's your leg?)

  • polly929
    14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    1. What are you wearing right now?
    Capris and my DH's college t-shirt

    2. What have you eaten today or plan on eating? Probably cereal, after that I don't know

    3. What is your weather like today? Right now it's overcast

    4. Do you have anything special or important planned for this week, and if so, what? As a matter of fact I do :)
    C-section scheduled for tomorrow morning.

    5. If you could sit and gossip with one famous person, either from past or present, who would it be? I'm not talking about Big Brains, I'm talking about someone you think would be chatty, gossipy and fun. :)
    I'd love to have lunch with Ina Garten at her Hampton's house on the patio

    6. Where do you prefer to get your news from? TV

    7. For you women, do you wear a bra when you're home, knowing no one is coming over? hee I wear one all the time, even to bed

    8. What plant in your garden is thriving this summer?
    The Hostas look like they are on steroids

    9. Where did you get the best hamburger you've ever eaten from a restaurant or a fast food place? Do not include homemade burgers.
    Blue cheese burger from a local pub that closed last year, so sad they aren't there anymore

    10. What do you see out the window closest to where you're sitting?
    A japanese lilac tree, maple, and a few old pine trees

  • dgranara
    14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    1. What are you wearing right now?
    Black dress pants, tan sweater, my fave argyle socks (at work).

    1. What have you eaten today or plan on eating?
      Plan on salad for lunch and cauliflower pasta for dinner.

    3. What is your weather like today?
    Ugg! (Boston) Kinda overcast - AGAIN. It's *slightly* better today, but still no where near what June 25th SHOULD be!

    4. Do you have anything special or important planned for this week, and if so, what?
    Trying to get some office work done before I'm off next week for my husband's shoulder surgery.

    5. If you could sit and gossip with one famous person, either from past or present, who would it be? I'm not talking about Big Brains, I'm talking about someone you think would be chatty, gossipy and fun. :)
    Well, it would have to be someone from the past, I think, as I don't much care about today's gossip. I'd love to have met Isabella Stewart Gardner. She had a real reputation for eccentricity. Plus, I'd ask her what she thought about the theft. :)

    1. Where do you prefer to get your news from?
      Internet and talk radio.

    7. For you women, do you wear a bra when you're home, knowing no one is coming over? hee
    Sheesharee - ditto! I am almost ALWAYS wearing one. Don't know why, it's just what I've always done.

    8. What plant in your garden is thriving this summer?
    My son's green beans he planted in school and brought home. Seriously, he doesn't get his green thumb from his Mama, that's for sure.

    9. Where did you get the best hamburger you've ever eaten from a restaurant or a fast food place? Do not include homemade burgers.
    From a little restaurant in NH that I cannot remember the name of, when we were on vacation.

    10. What do you see out the window closest to where you're sitting?
    The Mystic River (from my office).