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Unwittingly removed asbestos floor tiles. What's the deal?

Can someone please explain something to me? What is the deal with asbestos? Really.

I recently removed a small, 17-square ft. area of old 9X9 1960Âs VATÂs (vinyl-asbestos tiles) and didnÂt realize it until two weeks later. I used a little bit of adhesive remover and a heat gun and scraped them up. NO mask. And, in fact, while we were preparing the surface for the new floor, the scraps of VAT were sitting in a bucket and in my dry vac canister.

There was no dust.

Anyway, upon realizing what I had done, I called my doctor who said, "two weeks exposure is an extremely short exposure time, and thereÂs really no reason to worry." My daughters pediatrician said the same thing, more or less. Still, I didnÂt calm down or stop worrying because of the latency period thing. That is, I was worried that any one of the people living in my house could get sick 10 to 50 years down the road.

Now, IÂm reading about how VATÂs are no/low-risk because the asbestos is bound-up in the compound. ItÂs "part of the matrix." A piece in the SF Gate even states that vinyl floor tiles that contain asbestos pose no risk even if they are disturbed because of the way they were manufactured. Also, from what I understand, VATÂs contain a comparatively low % of asbestos, anywayÂespecially compared to other residential asbestos products.

Anyway, should I be worried? Or should I let it go? There seems to be a lot of doomsday-ish, very grim asbestos information on the web, but IÂm now wondering how many of these websites are sponsored by law firms for whom asbestos torts = $$$. I have to admit, IÂm hard pressed to find either a single instance (online) of a person ever developing a long-term illness from a popcorn ceiling, VATÂS, or any other residential asbestos products.

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