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Puff Pastry Ideas

16 years ago

Now that Trader Joe's carries a pretty good frozen puff pastry (I made it once from scratch and it took me all day... highly unlikely to do that very often!), I've been keeping it on hand more regularly.

Last night for dessert, I tried to recreate a berry/cream cheese strudel that TJ's used to carry. According to DH, it tasted like it but better.

Here's what I did:

Berry Cream Cheese (not quite) Strudel

1 pkg. cream cheese

1 egg

1/4 c. sugar

1/2 tsp. vanilla

1 pkg. of frozen mixed berries, with no sugar or syrup (or fresh berries if you have them)

1 sheet of frozen puff pastry


Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Thaw pastry while preparing filling. For the filling, mix together sugar, vanilla, egg, cream cheese until smooth. To assemble, place puff pastry dough on a buttered baking sheet and fold up a small border (maybe 1/2 inch) all around the pastry to contain the filling. Pour filling over puff pastry. Top with layer of frozen berries. Sprinkle with sugar to taste.

Bake until filling is set and edges are golden brown. I didn't keep track, but I'm thinking it was about 20 minutes. This made an open-faced dessert since neither DH or DS like a lot of "crust", but I'm sure it would work well by placing the filling on half of a sheet, then folding over, pinching the edges closed and slitting the top. You'd use less filling, and could probably make 2 strudels.

I like to use puff pastry recipes when entertaining. Easy, yet with a bit of WOW. I love making salmon in puff pastry or cheese straws.

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