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A Good Customer Service Story!

Two years go, I put on a pair of Clark's clogs to wear out in the snow. I had stored the shoes for maybe 10+ years and hadn't worn them in five. They looked good and when I got them out I thought I would turn them into yard shoes.

Within a few minutes of wearing them, they disintegrated.

The entire top, which was sewn on, fell off and did so in both shoes. It surprised me, but they were old.

However, I started to wonder if all old shoes eventually fall apart. I have many classic looking boots that I hope last until I wear them out. But, I goggled Clarks falling apart, and apparently this is quite common. Many complaints.

So I called the number for Clarks I kept seeing posted, told them what happened, and they said, go to our website, pick out a pair of shoes, call us back with the style number and we will ship them to you.

I picked out a pretty pair of $95 sandals and am amazed.

I'll get them next week.

They did not ask for any money, my email address, or to have the shoes shipped back. I did tell them the style name, which I remembered (Ruthie).

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