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Needlepoint help. Begoniagirl? Or anyone.

15 years ago

I've decided to take up needlepoint! My new room is begging for something beautiful.

I cross-stitched (and quilted) for years, so I'm familiar with stitching.

However, I cannot find a nice beginner's needlepoint kit online! Well, I did find a couple, they were either too childish (and not even cute), or the nicer ones for beginners but not necessarily more intricate were very pricey, like around $50 for a 6x6.

Joanne's offers only one beginner's kit out of the thousands they sell.

I've hit many online sites, I have no place around here to buy one.

Anyone have a good website I can order from which will include everything? AND EASY for a beginner! I'll probably have to buy the frame to hold the canvass.


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