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craigslist scammers

Debbie Downer
10 years ago

Its been a gazillion years since I looked for a job - a couple weeks ago I sent my resume to a couple of job listings on craigslist that sounded good, one with name of company and one without. I haven't heard back from either, and in the meantime Ive since learned that many of the postings are fake. Pretty obvious - some of them are so semi-illiterate with bad grammar I thought who would want to work for such idiots. My email and street address, phone no. and employers were on there - do I have anything to worry about? What exactly would they do with resumes/emails they get? I wondered if they might try to get my ss number.

Also when trying to sell stuff - I get all these stupid posts asking "is this for sale" without mentioning the item asking me to reply via some other

And don't get me started on the no-shows. I done with craigslist. Just wanted to find out if I had anything to worry about re: my resume having gone out. I've changed my passwords to email accounts, anything else?

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