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Messed up my computer big-time

14 years ago

I'm coming to you as a last resort on the chance someone might know something about what I did. I changed a Windows setting which seems can't be reversed. I was told by the Dell techs and MS techs that a repair or reinstall is probably the only way to fix what I did- with one click of my mouse. I'm upset as Windows always asks a million 'are you sure' before you do anything, but no warning was given when I did this. I could undo the change if I could get to system restore, but I can't.

I have been having a problem with my desktop for a while with pages highlighting and moving by themselves. I posted the problem here and it was suggested that my son's wireless mouse might be causing it. We changed him to a wired mouse and the problem went away for the past months.

This week it started again. I ran some scans on PitStop and it found that my computer was set-up for a wireless connection but also for hardwired. It was a conflict.

Long and short of it, I poked around in Administrative Tools, Local Security Policy. Wrong, wrong, wrong!

I found some settings for DCOM Machine Access and clicked on it and the window closed and now Windows barely works. I tried System restore but its blank. Nothing works. I am locked out of my own computer. Firefox works and I can get on-line but IE is dead as are most Windows functions. I can't get into My Docs, nothing will open. MS Office, Outlook doesn't work as well as Excel. None of my business software works and I get error messages when I try to open anything. ITunes, Firefox and Picassa work. Tech said these things work because they aren't part of Windows.

My computer is Dell Optiplex 745, XPPro SP3, three years old. I use it at home to do my office work. It has 3G Ram and has plenty of space. No bugs or nasties.

I contacted Dell as the computer is still under warranty. The tech had me try various ways to access system restore without luck. He tried to connect remotely but couldn't connect. We tried through Firefox but the computer won't allow anything through. The remote connection requires a small download tool, can't download anything. He sent me, by email, instructions from Microsoft on how to change back to the default security settings. I spent hours trying their instructions to no avail. It involved command prompts and I tried until wee hours of the morning and it still won't override the security change. Dell won't cover software issues, only hardware. They will help me over the phone but state it is a Windows issue.

This has been going on for two days. I'm backing everything on an external hard drive. The copy & paste functions are gone. I tried so many different things over the past few days and nothing works. Safe mode, last know config., nothing will work except FF and ITunes...go figure. Tried to burn my music (which I paid for) but the computer won't let me copy anything.

I paid Microsoft their charge to be told I most probably have to do a clean reinstall unless I pay for a Microsoft tech to come to the house and there's no guarantee he can change the security settings. I find that hard to believe. If I could only access System Restore.

This is what I did which caused the problem: - Control Panel- Administrator Tools, Local Security Settings, Security Options, DCOM:Machine Access:

It was there I clicked on 'disabled' and it changed to this:


Now it can't be changed back.

I googled O: Bag:Bad and it is something to do with Windows security settings. That was the only thing I clicked on thinking it would stop my son's mouse from interfering with my computer.

I know I was so stupid to do this. I never thought something couldn't be changed back. There was no warning when I clicked on the setting. How is that possible that Windows doesn't have a warning for something so important?

I'll do a new install, as I don't have much of a choice. I wrote this wondering if anyone had a trick up their sleeve to help me get to system restore (when I click on System Restore a blank, white window opens). It is as if System Restore is gone. I've tried all sorts of ways to open it and it. I'm wondering if it was erased.

Sorry for the long post, I can't imagine I'm the only idiot who ever did this and hope there might be a fix.



Comments (57)

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I dont know...
    Can you make a new admin/user account
    Run Restore from it.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Prariemoon, thanks for your kind words. What I did was dumb, but there should be some sort of safe-guards in place to allow you to undo a mistake. At least that's how I feel.

    Mike, I am worried that my backup might not open my files. What the heck am I supposed to do? Even if I buy a new hard drive, I need the data on the old one. This is my office machine and I have important records on it. I do have back ups from the week before which should be okay. But they are specific back-ups, not everything. None of the drives work so I couldn't copy a file on a flash drive or CD.

    IE is dead and I can't get into Outlook or download any updates. Everytime I try something, I get the loud BOOM- Access Denied!

    Canibus, thanks for your good wishes. One click of a mouse could cause what happened to me. No warning, no red-flags. I thought I was changing my wireless setting. Had no idea it was the registry. Before you jump to conclusions, go to your Control Panel, Administrative Tools. See how easy it is to click on Machine Access. (Don't) One Click!

    I was stupid and I admitted what I did, but I do blame Microsoft for not protecting such a critical setting. This is an office machine which should be better protected.


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  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I will suggest you try asking over at LzD, some of the people there actually do work at microsoft and may have some idea. I have none. This would be the area to ask.
    Computer Problems, Questions and Solutions!

    there is also a microsoft specific forum at BBR
    Microsoft Help

    the one person that I know of that knows alot about the area you were in is Black Viper, he is quite famous around the web as is his website, he does have forums and he does offer his email addy on his site, this is the page with his info.
    Contact Black Viper
    you might try his forum.
    Those are my suggestions.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks Raven, I'll give that a try when I get home tonight.
    Mike, I can't access 'users accounts.' When I click on it in Control Panel, I get the 'access denied.'

    Also, my husband had his account and now his log-on has disappeared. The only name showing at log-on is mine. I can't look at the accounts to see what's up.

    The instructions from Microsoft had me typing instructions into the command window. At some point, my name and other user names would appear on the screen but the Admin name was a code. My name was not listed next to Admin. I attempted to change the Admin name and it kept saying 'invalid entry.' I gave up on that.

    I brought the back-up to work today and when I have time, I'll try restoring a document on this computer to see if I can open anything.

    Thanks again for all your help.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    This is exactly when a 'drive image' is priceless.

    I use an older version of Acronis but here are a few free ones:



  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    Have you made any progress? If you want to copy the drive I think you'll need software that is bootable, which would bypass Windows entirely. Or you could use a bootable Linux distribution, although I'm not sure how comfortable you would be with that.

    This is why I suggested a new drive. At least you can get your computer up and running and explore options to recover your data when you have a little more time and are feeling less frustrated.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Jane, have you tried a parallel installation of XP? It's just like a new install but you don't format and you create a Windows2 directory to install to. That way your data doesn't get overwritten. I had to do that after a bad Windows update to save the pictures that I had uploaded from the camera since my last backup. Not a long term fix, but you may be able to back up the data.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Step by step parallel installation

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I posted the problem on both links Raven provided (thank you Raven). I haven't hear anything yet. I think this is beyond my skill level.

    I took my external drive to my office computer and attempted to open some docs. Surprisingly, many opened. Couldn't open zip files as they seem locked. Have a slash across them. Some of my folders did not copy and were empty.

    I spent all of last night fooling with the command prompt instructions Microsoft gave. I did get some results as my husbands name appeared on the log-on screen. But Windows functions are still dead.

    I might have to bring in a tech because I think those instructions might work. I'm confused by them. Hard to tell where to put spaces and words. I get to a certain point (where I couldn't earlier) and then it tells me the command is invalid. It gives some cryptic instructions I don't understand.

    Railhead, you are so right. I thought regular back-ups were so necessary, but never considered the whole computer would lock me out. Pkponder, I don't understand what you mean. I don't have computer knowledge. I've never reinstalled before so that will be the next challenge.

    Thank you Mike. I think your idea might be the way to go except I'd have to hire someone to put in the drive. I could send the old drive to someone to work on it but I have private records on it. This computer is used for medical charts. I'm not sure how legal that would be. Before I let anyone work on it, I need to check the laws.


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    you are welcome I hope you do get some assistance there.

    those commands are very specific and the spaces must be exact as well as the wording and placement of the / or it will give the invalid command response you are getting.

    You definitely could use a linux live cd in the cd drive and boot from that and use it to gain access to your windows area and retrieve your files that way.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    That would work?? I would give that a try if I thought it would unlock the files. Where do I get a linux cd?

    Actually, just realized the drive wouldn't copy. The external drive worked plugged into the usb. Tried to copy the files on the disc drive and it wouldn't let me.

    Where would I get a linux disk...Staples?


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Check this out

    Here is a link that might be useful: Bootable UBuntu

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    the only problem might be if your pc is not set to boot from cd, if not and you are not able to access the bios to change that setting then you may not be able to use a cd.

    You can burn linux live cd free from many sites online, it has to be burned as an iso image.
    The easiest place to find one is at most book stores that carry linux magazines, many have a free linux live cd included in the magazine.
    Using a linux live cd you put the cd in the drive and then boot the pc, it should boot from the cd instead of the hard drive if it is set to, once the cd boots you can use it right from the cd drive, you do not want to install linux!! you simply want to run it from the cd, when you do that you will be able to see your hard drive and your windows area including your files, you can then access them and copy them to a flash drive or external drive.

    some tutorials on how to do this
    Use Ubuntu Live CD to Backup Files from Your Dead Windows Computer

    Geek to Live: Rescue files with a boot CD

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Raven, let me treat you to dinner! If this works, champagne all around...Gene, Mike, Zep - everyone - invited

    Will hit Staples on the way home.

    Genes, I really don't know what that is but assume its some sort of linux? This is all sooo above my knowledge level. I just want to get my documents back. I can reinstall the system later.

    Thanks so much for all the help. So glad I waited on the reinstall.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    ubuntu is one of the many linux distros, linux has a lot of flavors, any one of them should work as long as it is a live cd and these days most all are live cds. The one you most often find in the magazines are ubuntu since it is one of the most commonly used distros.

    I find linux magazines even in my grocery store in the magazine section, lots of them at bookstores like Barnes and Noble. Inside them they put a free cd, not all but most, and usually the cd is some version of linux live cd.

    Linux is free so getting a copy is as easy as going to one of the many online download sites and burning it to disc the only difference is that it has to be burned as an iso image which most burners will do, but there are lots of free burners out there to use for that too.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I work near a lot of stores. Borders is across the street. I'll check there. I don't know what you mean about 'live' cd.

    Thanks again,

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    a live cd looks just like a regular cd but you can put it in your pc and run it live from the cd rather than having to install it. It contains a full useable bootable OS right on the cd. unlike windows which must be installed to be run.

    Live CD

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    If you have another PC, you can get an external enclosure, pull this drive, put it in the enclosure and copy files to the other PC.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Again .. I come along, a little late with a suggestion that may or may not help but .. It's worth a try.

    Unless I missed it, I haven't seen the suggestion to 'reset' the system?

    You do this by resetting the CMOS:

    Resetting The CMOS

    Unplug your pc.

    Take the side case off of your tower.

    Take out the battery that lies in a slot on your mother-board. (It's about the size of a small quarter)

    Press the on/off button and 'hold' it for about 10 seconds.

    After waiting for a few minutes .. reinstall the battery and plug in your system.

    Your reset is now complete and "should" return your system to it's original settings.

    Very Important .. Make sure that you ground yourself before attempting this and if you don't know what I am talking about .. Have someone that knows about 'static electricity' .. give you some help.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Went to Borders and looked through the Linux magazines. Each one had different CD's. I bought two magazines hoping one of these is the right one. Cost $35.00 for these magazines and they won't let me return if they are wrong. So, I hope this is right:

    One Magazine CD says: (has two CD's)
    Linux Mint 7 DVD 1
    Network Security Toolkit V2.11.0

    The other magazine has:
    Full DVD Version Fedora 13

    I don't know a thing about Linux, never saw it. Are these the right ones?


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I would go with the linux mint it is pretty user friendly, you want to follow the tutorials I linked to they will be pretty similar. you put the cd in the cd drawer and boot the pc, it should boot up from the cd, you would want to choose the option to run the program from cd NOT Install it. Each distro has different wording. Once you are up and running from the cd you will need to locate the icon for your hard drive, for example in my linux version of Mepis I have on the desktop a my computer icon just like in windows and when I select it I can see my hard drive and contents just like in windows.

    here is a link that will show you exactly what you will see when you use the linux mint cd, each picture is the next in the sequence. It will do an automatic boot apparently to the live cd after you select to boot to English. As you can see in the screenshots there is the my computer icon on the desktop, if you scroll down to the 7th screen shot it will show you what you see when you select the my computer icon, there you see that you can see the hard drive, it will state the size of the drive, select that drive and you will be able to gain access to your files, plug in a flash drive and you will be able to select to right click and copy them to the flash drive.
    Linux Mint 7 Screenshots

    do NOT at any time hit the INSTALL button, if you do it will start to install linux on your pc and if you continue with that it will over write your Windows, you are able to cancel if you do accidentally hit it but lets just not go there.
    but you can run it from the live cd as long as you need to and you can also use the firefox that is on the cd to go online using the cd.
    when you are done just remove the live cd and you can boot back to your windows.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Just in case you need it here is the page with the screen shots of what you will see using the fedora 13 cd, it also does an auto boot to the live cd.
    Fedora 13 Screenshots

    having a linux live cd in every desk/toolkit should be required just for situations like this when you need to use one to rescue files from a corrupt windows install.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm going to try it now. Couple of questions before I begin.

    Many Windows functions do not work. I can't copy/paste even using keyboard. I can't open anything without R-click, Open. Window screens will not stay open...in otherwords, If I have My Docs open, if I open My Computer or anything else the screen disappears. I can't keep more than one window open at a time. Can't double click.
    I have been using Task Manager to find open windows to access things that way, but its a pain as I can't refer back and forth. Hard to explain.

    I'm wondering if I can copy those files in Linux? Will the Copy function work?

    One other thing, I've been using this computer all week without any protection. AV and firewalls will not funtion. Tried to uninstall and reinstall but won't allow me. I get error messages that Windows services are not running. I can't turn them on. Its a mess and I fear the computer must be full of bugs by now. I've been on it for hours each day since this happened. Hopefully, I won't carry any bugs through my docs and pics.

    I'll report back, thanks for your continued support,


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Another question - how do I start? Do I shut off the computer, put in the disk and then what happens?? Will I be given an option to boot from the CD?


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    put cd in drawer turn off pc, reboot pc it should boot from the cd rather than from windows you will see the same thing I showed you in the screen shots, it will ask to select the language select English it will then do a count down to boot and boot from the cd, you are then running off of linux cd, all your functions should work since you are not using windows at all. go to the computer icon on the linux desktop and select it, find the hard drive there, locate your files, right click them and copy to your flash drive.

    pretty much how it should go.

    If you want to be safe with that pc why not just disconnect it from the internet while your AV and firewall are down?Since you have not been able to do anything with it or go anywhere online with it my guess is that you are fine.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I can go online, its the only thing which works. I've been writing to you on this computer. IE doesn't work but Mozilla does.

    I shut off the computer, put in the disk and nothing. The disk spins and I can see it in My Computer, but I don't know what to do with it. It doesn't boot from it.

    I tried safe mode and highlighted 'change to boot mode' (something like that) but it only shows XP Pro as the operating system.

    What now?


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    try putting in the disc First! then shut down and then reboot with the disc in the drawer you have to do it in that order.

    so you have the pc in regular windows mode, open the drawer put in cd, close drawer, shut down pc, reboot pc, it should now boot from cd not windows.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    you may have to change the boot order in the Bios so that boot from cd is first choice, which I had mentioned early on and is covered in the tutorials links

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Got it to boot. Can I copy the whole My Docs folder? I have a lot of folders in there.


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    sure you can do it however you want to. it will take a while of course the bigger the transfer. You might try something smaller first to make sure it is working then go for it. And be sure you use copy so that it still remains in it's original location as well.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Ran out of room on the flash. Weird because I thought it was 2g. I'll try to copy to an external drive.

    Besides My Docs, is there anything else I should copy? What about all the MS updates? Drivers?

    I worry with a reinstall everything will be erased. What else should be kept?

    Thanks so much,

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Sorry to be such a pest, is there a 'safely remove' on Linux? I'm afraid to just pull out the flash.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Well, I was able to copy most of My Docs to the flash drive. Didn't have enough space to copy a few file or My Pics. The external drive wouldn't work for some reason. I think autoplay wouldn't kick on. My Pics is large and I might pay for some online storage to save the pics.

    I just want this over with and get the computer to a working state. So many Windows functions will not work and I'm flooded with error messages. I still don't understand why changing that one setting created such a mess.

    Thanks for all your help, and Linux looks very good. I couldn't get it to go online but it might after I fix the computer.


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I am so glad you were successful in at least getting a good portion of your stuff saved over using linux.

    Now that you have dipped your toe into the linux pool you may find your self wanting to take the dive! Keep those linux live cd's handy you never know when you will need it.

    over on LzD Corrine mentioned how to use the commands and spacings you may want to give that a try again. I think you are just not typing them quite right.

    do you have the windows cd that came with this pc? or is it just a recovery cd that came with it?
    Are you able to run belarc at all? that would at least give you a full listing of what is in the pc should you need to do a driver search.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    What a great idea! I was just looking for the CD and have so many CD's not sure which to use. Unfortunately they are all stuffed in a box, we've had/have quite a few computers and I didn't label any of the CD's. I don't which Cd's belong to which computer. All are XP Pros's. I see one is for my husbands laptop, 'reinstallation CD, MS Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2'

    I would assume the CD's are all compatible?

    I have so many different driver CD's which say they are already installed on the computer. Trouble is I don't know which computer.

    Belarc is a great suggestion. I'm heading there now.


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Didn't have enough space to copy a few file or My Pics.

    This is why I suggested simply buying a new drive. Putting in a new one really isn't that hard because you have the old one as an example.

    I would assume the CD's are all compatible?

    Recovery CD's probably aren't going to be compatible, not at least between manufacturers. Although if you stick the wrong one in, you'll get a warning message pretty early on.

    The other limitation to recovery CD's is that they typically want to wipe everything and return the drive and computer back to "out of the box" condition. In that case, you loose whatever was on the hard drive. I don't think (but it would be something worth investigating) that you could do, for example, a parallel installation of Windows with a recovery CD. I wouldn't spend much time worrying about drivers unless you've made hardware changes. The recovery CD will get you up and running and Windows update will take it from there.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks Mike. I have reinstallation CD's. Some must be older because they do not have sp2. I don't have any sp3. The newest computer is a dell laptop, 2yrs and I believe the CD is from that computer. Can't I use that one (I labeled that one)? Our computers are all Dells (different models). I also have an HP netbook.

    I have a Vista CD, son's, but don't want Vista. The office computer is older. I don't remember when SP2 & 3 came out.

    Raven, I wrote a long reply to Corinne on the broken computer and it froze and wouldn't post. I'll write her from the netbook today. I followed the entire MS instructions in command prompt and it said, 'successful' but nothing changed.

    Mike, I'm not going to try changing the drive because I'm afraid I'd mess up or it wouldn't work. I have a large external drive but it won't turn on. The drives are not showing in MY Computer. When I plug in a flash I'm able to copy, but the autoplay doesn't seem to work. Can't run the CD drive. I did get the Linux disk to run by changing the boot order and then the drive worked. I'm afraid to pull out the hard drive. I'm chicken!


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Remember while you're looking at all those CD's you need the correct serial number for Windows.

    As for replacing the drive, all your problems are caused by a corruption in Windows. Get rid of the drive with Windows and all your problems go away. As for physically replacing the drive, it's a couple of cables that can be installed only one way. I'm sure Dell provides some cute little drive rails so you won't even need a screwdriver.

    Once you get the computer back up and running, you can install the old drive (as a second drive) and copy all the data off of it (the corrupt Windows installation won't matter at that point).

    The only reason I'm being adamant is that inevitably you are going to loose something that you really needed if you just wipe the existing drive and start over.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Okay, so if I physically remove the drive, put in a new drive, how do I 'plug' in the old drive to get all my stuff? I'm not understanding.


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Jane, removing and replacing the hard drive is not hard at all. As Mike said, it just slips into "rails" and there are a couple of cables that connect. As to your question of getting your stuff off the old drive, I'll defer to someone else to answer that as I wouldn't want to give you wrong instructions. Just wanted to encourage you in what you will be doing. You can do it, girl!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yes you can do it ! I am sure not electronic minded and did it ,is easy .. Gin

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks for the encouragement! You keep the faith folks. I am bleary eyed trying to back up everything.

    Called Dell again to find out about the drive. They said there is nothing wrong with the drive and if I replace it, it will void the warranty... Like the warranty helped at all, but I'm afraid to go that route. I might need their help further along.

    Thanks again,

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    They said there is nothing wrong with the drive and if I replace it, it will void the warranty...

    Well then. Dell has been a big help. :-(

    I that you went with Photobucket in another thread, so hopefully you'll get everything you need.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I know, what a joke. They are blaming it all on my mistake and Microsoft. Guess they are right on both counts.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Dell says I can use any XP CD as long as it is from Dell. This is what he wrote: "The cds are not tied to the serial #, instead when you boot to the cd it automatically checks the hardware to confirm that it is a Dell and then installs without asking for the XP product key at all."

    Regarding recovery partition he says: "It is pretty unlikely that there is a recovery partition on the computer. You can try to access it by starting the computer, right after the Dell logo screen, watch for a blue bar at the top and press the CTRL+F11 key combination. If you don't see the bar and the key combination does not work, then there isn't a recovery partition and you would need to use the XP cd to reinstall."

    I'm going to try that and maybe a regedit, someone mentioned...


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Is is more for my edification and I really don't want to worry you but if you were to do a Windows install from a regular disc, at some point Windows asks for the product key. That gets verified by an algorithm within Windows for validity. At some point, once the computer is up and running, Windows again verifies the install against, for lack of a better term, some kind of "master list." Is there some kind of key on a tag on your computer?

    Regedit is a registry editor. Unless you know what you're doing, you're probably just wasting your time.

    Remember once you start the re-install process, there's no going back.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks again, Mike. I didn't fool with the registry because it won't let me anyway. Dell sent me a new XP Pro SP3 disk. So at least it has all the Windows service packs. They sent a disk for Sonic and Cyperlink. The rest of the drivers I have to find on their website.

    Still backing up, slow going but at least the computer limps along. Weird thing, the internet was never as fast as now. Computer also. Just zips along at a fast pace but doesn't allow me the luxury of using many of the important Windows features we are all accustomed to. Probably why its so fast!


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Just zips along at a fast pace but doesn't allow me the luxury of using many of the important Windows features we are all accustomed to. Probably why its so fast!

    Know you know why we constantly need more powerful computers, the operating system uses a lot of resources for all those fancy features. :-) Just like a car engine, a processor only has so much horsepower. Imagine what would happen to your car's performance if you could turn on, say, two dozen air conditioning compressors (which is what happens in Windows when lots of stuff is running in the background).

    You could edit the Windows registry with Linux but, with all due respect, probably beyond your skill level and you'd need to know exactly what to edit.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks Mike. I just saw your post. Yes the computer is faster than ever, especially on-line. You are right, nothing works, has lots of power.

    I wouldn't attempt any registry stuff. I think I did enough damage. Still backing up photos...so slow.

    Dell send me the drivers by email. Told me to copy them to disks. Wish I could, disk drive won't work. So I plan to run to my office tomorrow to burn the disks. Then I'll start the dreaded reinstall project.

    Thanks to everyone for putting up with my long story.


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thought I'd update. Got Windows installed without a hitch, Dell talked me through it. I debated whether to put Win 7 in since I was starting from scratch but worried some of my software might not work

    Everything went well except I couldn't find drivers for some things such as my wireless adapter so couldn't get on line. Called Linksys and they spent over an hour trying to get the driver in and finally did. That was the best part, finally getting on line and getting hit with a zillion MS updates.

    I have misplaced or lost some software. We moved here in March and I could not locate my Office disk, wireless mouse/keyboard software and a few other things, might have gotten lost in the move. I'm most concerned about Office 07. I paid for it. Dell says they can't help and I could try contacting MS and see if they would do anything. I haven't moved any of my files back yet.

    Otherwise, I feel like the computer runs better than when it was new. Things seem different, have to fool with fonts and views, but I'm amazed how effortlessly the machine runs. This computer always seemed to have a few 'glitches' but I was used to it. Now it seems so fast and smooth (of course there isn't much running on it yet.)

    I don't know how to thank everyone for all the support and help I received. You are the best friends anyone could ever ask for. I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks!

    Thanks from the bottom of my heart...


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I am so happy for you Jane!! you did it! excellent work and glad it is going well. I hope you can find that Office disc that is an expensive one.