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Completely Random Thoughts On ''The Star Spangled Banner''

John Liu
13 years ago

Some thoughts about "The Star Spangled Banner". With apologies to Canadians - I had to pick on someone today, it was just your turn.

I like the song. �The only problem is that it is hard to sing. A lot of national anthems are within the ability of most every voice. "O Canada", for instance, could be sung by a sea turtle. �The US anthem is not.

Although apparently Canadians think their anthem is hard to sing, and promotes gender inequality to boot.

Ottawa Notebook - The Globe and Mail

The good thing about the Star Spangled Banner is that the lyrics are interesting. They tell a dramatic story, rather than just being a collection of platitudes and flattery. Like, say, "O Canada". Compare. One song is like applying for a bank loan, the other is a gripping narrative.

Michael Conniff: Con Games: O Canada, of Thee We Sing

If they would just take an octave out of the melody - and teach the words in school so it doesn't always get sung "so say can you see mumble mumble mumble", then it would be a great national anthem.�

Some complain that the song is too martial, too violent. I say, jeez, have you heard other countries' anthems? How about "La Marseillaise", which requires sweet little 10 y/o French girls to sing about slitting throats, bathing in blood, and tearing off women's breasts?

La Marseillaise - Wikipedia

Never mind the weird line about fighting an enemy who doesn't have any pants. �"Faisant la guerre aux Sans-Culottes". �It must be a toilet-training thing.

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