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Random Thoughts

11 years ago

I feel like we need some new conversations so I'll start with some random thoughts and we can see where it leads us.

Yesterday, I went to hear the author Geraldine Brooks speak. It was great, she's interesting and quite funny. I know I read The Year of Wonders and People of the Book, but now I want to read all her other books.

I have a real First World Problem. I'm planning a trip to Europe and it's hard to figure out how to make all my possibilities work out. There are 3 things I want to do/attend and, while they are occurring somewhat close together time-wise but not distance-wise, it will mean spending a month traveling around Europe. What a crazy 'problem' to have. I just hope I can make it work out and I don't have to miss anything.

I don't know why but I have the oddest song stuck in my head. I just love Frank Sinatra's Come Dance with Me. I have it on my MP3 player but, until today, I haven't listened to it in months and months. It's such a great upbeat song "hey there cutes, put on your dancing boots and come dance with me"...

Tonight we're going to a Casino night fundraiser with a St. Patrick's theme. There will be beer, I'm just hoping it will be Irish beer and not Coors dyed green. Why do they do that to beer?

Beware the Ides of March, it's the 15th today.

I'm not Catholic but I was so excited to hear about the new Pope. I actually sat in my car, having what they call a driveway moment, awaiting the announcement. The outcome doesn't effect my life in any way but still I couldn't wait to hear the result. I don't watch any of those dancing or singing competition shows and thought this must be how those fans feel when they are waiting for the results. I don't mean any disrespect to Pope Francis or Catholics, I know there is a world of difference between a Spiritual leader of over a billion people and reality show contestants. I just mean I was surprised by my excitement over the announcement.

So, anyone else have some random thoughts to share?

Comments (58)

  • PRO
    11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    You guys are so fun and interesting! (though sorry about your uncle yaya)

    I think my rep is an idiot. He just proposed a half billion dollar expenditure to teach abstinence only in schools while voting to move forward with the sequester.

    DD is taking belly dancing classes and is determined to master the shimmy.

    I was raised catholic (mom) but wasn't that interested in the new pope. My dad was an agnostic and that is where most of us kids are spiritually as adults. I was surprised at how much I liked the fellowship and peace felt throughout the world (me included) when the announcement was made. I will try not to think about how misogynistic the pope is.

    I requested a large cut in my rent for my business and it was approved today. Doing the happy dance. la la la la la!

    DH is getting together with the band guys tomorrow morning. Whenever he gets together with the guys and makes music he comes home a happier man. When he is especially happy his eyes are a brighter blue.

    Tonight I am looking forward to watching last weeks episode of The Walking Dead that I DVR'd. I will time it just so, so that dh will be home shortly after it is finished. Otherwise, if he's not home shortly after, I will not go downstairs and feed the cats because I fear there is a zombie waiting hungrily at the bottom of the stairs.

    There is lemon pepper chicken baking in the oven for dinner tonight.

    We need to keep a sharp eye on the chubby kid in North Korea.

    This post was edited by deedee99 on Fri, Mar 15, 13 at 23:31

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    gsciencechick said:
    " I was surprised they picked a non-European and non-Caucasian, but not suprised they picked someone who is still pretty much conservative."

    My view is that the Pope is Caucasian (white of European descent). His surname is Italian. Just like here, Argentina has very few indigenous/indian people. Many in Argentina are descendants of Spanish and Italian, also a large number have British and German blood, all of which are Caucasian.

    Just like in North America, people in Latin America, can be of many different races.

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  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    This was a lovely post.. and a nice break from the norm. I am fried and don't have much to add beyond the fact that I am glad to have a community like this to turn to when I don't have the focus or energy to engage in the world around me.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    Interesting that the Pope is of Italian Decent. My DH's grandfather emigrated to the US and 2 of his brothers emigrated to Argentina.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I am not real interrested in the Pope, but not uninterested, if that makes sense. Kind of thought they might have chosen someone younger.

    I have spring fever SOOOOOO bad. Things are starting to bloom around here. Today I saw a tulip tree with a few blooms, some forsythia and even bridal wreath! One of my favorite nurseries opened back up this week!

    We have seen a few people here and there mowing, but we have not yet. The grass does not really need cut, but the green onions sure do!

    I LOVE the time change because we love being outside. Not quite warm enough yet, but we enjoy spending evenings after dinner sitting out on the patio. We love our fire pit too! We may do that sometime this weekend.

    Oops - time to go - my pup needs to go out! LOL


  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I've been listening to a book that has completely expanded my understanding of what it must be like to have a mental illness (The Center Will Not Hold). This of course sets me to worrying that DS, (who is at the same age the author's schizophrenia presented) might suddenly show symptoms of schizophrenia. No signs or symptoms, and nobody in the family suffers from mental illness, but this is just the way I worry sometimes.

    DS and DD both coming home tomorrow... from opposite coasts.... I'll be so happy this time tomorrow night.

    How did someone steal $33 million from that Australian Casino? Either the articles are poorly written or I'm getting stupid. I get that he had the security cameras sending pictures to him. But did he actually then WIN that amount by knowing how to bet? Seriously, nobody noticed after, I don't know the first $7 million?

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yayagal...my condolences on your uncle. It would be just like me to say something like what your sister said. I work with two sisters, and we often laugh about crazy things each other blurt out at times.!

    I am seriously thinking I have an intolerance to gluten. I crave bread and french fries, but try to stay away. I gave into cravings tonight and the bloating begins! Seriously, so many thing begin to happen after 50! Breads and pastas never used to have an affect on me!

    More snow in the forecast Sunday and Monday! Where is spring and why couldn't it have snowed in Dec. and Jan. Like it was supposed to?

    Neat thread! I agree with you funky...this is such a great forum to hang out in.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I know very little the Catholic religion so the new pope had me asking questions.

    I ate fast food tonight and liked it.

    I'm excited for leaves on the trees and the smell of fresh cut grass.

    We are buying a grill this year dangit. We have other things that somehow managed to come way before that (pressure washer).

    My island light is hanging with only one globe (one of those pool style looking island lights). The stupid socket ring warped and the company is unable to send us the proper replacement. We got the same wrong thing three times. They don't make the light anymore so I guess that's part of the problem. Over time the ring inched it's way down until one day, while in the kitchen, the globe FELL THE HECK OFF and caught on the light bulb. It didn't break. We get to go to a Lowes store and see what they can do. Why don't we take the other globe off for now you ask? Well because that socket ring is warped and totally stuck. The light calls for 75 watt max and we've only ever used 60 watts. If to comes down to buying a new one, the similar lights are different enough that I don't like them. The one light I do like doesn't coordinate with the chandelier on the other side of the room, at all. I haven't seen any that I like and coordinate anywhere.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    This is a nice thread. I'll add my .02. I went outside and inspected the yard today. We have lived in this house for 15 years, it was brand new when we got it and when the children were little I gardened while they ran around and played on swings, etc. As they got older and didn't play in the yard as much, I let things go. For the first time, I called a professional landscaping company in, they are coming by next week to talk about designs. I've been on Houzz getting ideas and getting excited. I'm a little worried that my budget won't go very far but it's nice to dream!

    I am hoping we can figure out a way to build a small shelter for the feral cats in my woods. I've been doing TNR (trap neuter release) because they are too shy to come inside but we supply them with food every day and we bought them a little heated house. Also, I am reading a book called The Violinist's Code that says genetics can explain my love of felines.

    This weekend I'm looking forward to having time with my husband -- we have a commuter marriage and he flies to another state every week. We have fun when he's home, not that we do all that much. We're both too tired by the time Friday rolls around.

    I am looking forward to the new Tina Few movie, Admission. I met the author of the book that the screenplay is based on at a reading, she is married to a famous poet at Princeton Univ. Paul Muldoon. The book was okay. I thought it dragged a bit and there were whole parts I skipped. I was at Princeton the day they were filming (it takes place on campus) which makes me that much more interested in seeing the movie.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hot flashes and fatigue, husband thinks I’m avoiding him?

    I’m watching the Homeland series and identifying with Claire Dane, I’m not crazy yes I am…No, I’m not!

    Fantasies about being a female cop and kicking bad guy butt.

    I want to sit on the beach tomorrow evening with husband and just “be”. A little champagne and chicken veggie spinach wraps sounds fun. Wish the Rottie could come. He has a torn ligament and needs an operation. Worried that he will never again be able to see his dog friends at the beach or be my walking buddy. He is social; worried that he will become unhappy.

    Is it time for me to fertilize the grass, plants and trees already? Seems like only yesterday!

    No houses to look at tomorrow. This is good and bad! If I were to get an offer on my house I would have nowhere to go. Lots of strange nastiness on the market…I shouldn’t say “lots” there is low inventory in the areas I seek for downsizing. Saw an odd thing today, in a canal front home there was a small house with the exact same kitchen cabinets that I ripped out from here, it even had the same formica countertops. Coincidence? I did sell mine on Craigslist for $250 if they took it all.

    Today was dyeing my hair day. My head itches! I have been actively searching for a hairstylist that knows how to cut straight Indian hair or Asian hair. That is my only hope. I found a (used to be just males) barber shop near. Their online site was interesting in that it had a bunch of tattooed dangerous just out of the pen looking individuals with pictures of their mohawks and shaved to the bone designs on their skulls. Think I’ll pop in and shake things up. Could be kinda fun! At least the barbers look like they are creative. Hey, as long as it’s clean It might be worth a go.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yes! I got in an out of Costco in under 20 minutes and under $100 (ok, so I was only after dog food and coffee but I found a new book to read, too.)

    Should I let the fire go out or keep it going all night? Moon was out-which means it'll be a cold night, but it was a pretty mild day. What is tomorrow's forecast?

    Not loving the way Chelsea fixed my hair, but I love the smell of the products she used. Hope that when I rewash & dry it, it'll look like I wanted. Hope I didn't make a mistake going for all over layers.

    OMG-two more weekends and then VEGAS BABY! I am getting so excited, the more I hear about the hoopla surrounding the event. Hard Rock has a great display of DL stuff, plus the Rick Allen reception at the Martin Lawrence Gallery-oh, it'll just be a Leppard vacay!

    Gotta get Max & Ruphus nails trimmed-don't forget to call the groomer to get them in.

    Hmmm...why not go to bed early tonight-I could read that new book!

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    We're up at our place in the mountains this weekend and it's so gloriously cold that we're hunkering inside with a cozy fire going and lots of books on the Kindle.

    While I was raised Catholic I now belong to that 'other' Catholic sect - the Lapsed Catholics. There was so much hoopla surrounding the Papal Election that I was beginning to feel like I should apologize to my non-Catholic friends. I was so thankful that it didn't drag on.

    I'm afraid that I've become rather cynical as I age for I fear that no matter what the new Pope hopes to accomplish he's still stuck with all the Vatican intrigue and politics - just like which ever President happens to be in office here.

    I am so thrilled that my 3 adult children now all live in the same city and even get together on weekends! Woa I'm amazed that they enjoy each other so much.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Did some cleaning at the house of my elderly MIL while she was away. Cleaning someone else's house is easier than cleaning your own. I go in with specific projects to do and don't have the expectation of the whole house being clean when I leave.

    It's a peek into the mind of someone with dementia. I have to laugh at some of her quirks - she cannot throw away a dead lightbulb. The last time I cleaned, I found about 15 incandescent bulbs squirreled away in drawers.

    Now she is on a shoe buying spree. She is buying shoes with high heels that are 3 and 4 inches high. This is a woman who can barely walk. She shuffles her feet to move forward and doesn't have the strength to walk even one block. Hope springs eternal, I guess.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Jterrilynn...to help with itchiness while coloring your hair, here's a haircolorist secret: after mixing up the color, add a pack or two of sweet-n- low and mix it into the color. You won't itch. It only works with SL and not the other sweeteners. If you have an allergy to haircolor, now, that's a different story.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I wish DS wouldn't say "I need a haircut" to me in a tone that sounds so accusatory. As if it's my fault.

    He's tired because he's been WORKING. Finally he has a job! It's not the greatest job and the pay is low, but after 6 months -- it's a job and he really likes it. And he feels better about himself than he has in a long time. In spite of the hair.

    My amex card got hacked yesterday. DH is on the phone with them now. There were several purchases. Ugh. Glad they're on it, though! Their customer service is impressive IMO.

    My other DS got his drivers license yesterday!

    Having a weekend full of friends. Last night we went out to dinner with 4 other couples and closed down the place, then went to one couple's house for an after-dinner drink. Way too late. Tonight we're going to a school fundraiser that we attend every year, with more friends. And tomorrow my DD's gymnastics teammates and parents are coming over for a casual dinner -- total of about 20 people.

    Going to Key West next week with two of my BFFs...can hardly wait! Five days away from my family is a rare thing. I have only done this one other time in 20 years! (Have done plenty of girlfriend weekends, but they've all been just Sat-Sun or Fri-Sun.)

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    We have been working hard the last two weekends in the yard-spring is especially busy with all the usual chores as well as Live Oak leaves, which are falling now. Took yesterday off, and love a 3 day weekend! Today I am putting my peppers and tomatoes in the garden, will plant more veggies as the soil warms.

    I have been avoiding the downtown area since the huge SXSW Festival has been going on. It ends tomorrow, and we get our city back! DS has been home for spring break this week, and have enjoyed her. DH is at his deer lease turkey hunting today, so it is Girl's Day.

    Started reading The End of Your Life Book Club that several recommended-am enjoying it.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm very much enjoying reading these random thoughts. Today I'm going to the Civil War Medical museum (I work on medical textbooks)--I've wanted to go for years! Then on to a dinner party tonight.

    My DD is in town for a week for spring break. She's going to NIH to inquire about the post-bac internship she was offered until the sequester kicked in. Now all such awards are on hold; here's a kid who is eager to get more experience (research on vaccines) and she is stopped in her tracks. She's on a PhD/DVM track, but this puts a real kink in her plans. The sequester is really having an impact on scientific research--we have a friend who is a physicist who was at Argonne Lab yesterday (where Obama visited) and a disturbing report came out about how new, promising scientists are being frozen out due to the lack of funding.

    Yesterday my son sent me a photo of a university t-shirt with his major (film studies) on it. I wrote back and said, "Take care of that $160,000 t-shirt!" He said he'd try not to get it dirty.

    I'm not Catholic, but my dear SIL is, and she was in transit when the white smoke started, so we texted back and forth as I gave her updates. It was very exciting. She is pleased with the choice.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend!

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Reading these random thoughts did make me LOL a few times.
    White smoke! White smoke!
    Keep an eye on the chubby kid (funny expression, not a funny situation).
    How is you Dad? I can see that line becoming a running family joke.
    Try not to get it dirty.

    Keep in mind that one Papal conclave lasted 3 years so we might not want to try that with the nitwits in Congress.

    Sometimes when I look up the meaning or history of a word, I get lost in the dictionary. One word leads to another and another.

    If you think you have a gluten intolerance, don't cut back on eating it until after you have a blood test (and then possibly a biopsy). Of course you can eliminate it from your diet even without confirming the diagnosis but then you might be eliminating the wrong food. I have two biopsy confirmed celiac siblings and one who feels she has an intolerance to gluten. So far, I don't have any problems but I might be a ticking time bomb. I'm going to continue to eat pizza up until the Kaboom!

    My trip will be Munich to Paris to Scotland to Switzerland. The biggest hurdle is the Scotland part, I'm having trouble working it out easily or reasonably priced. I'm not ready to give that part up but we'll see how it has to play out.

    Anyone else want to share the little things flitting through your mind?

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    sueb20 - how did you discover that your Amex card had been hacked?

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I read the wall-washing thread. I don't wash my walls, except for around light switches and doors, where I can see fingerprints, or where there are obvious marks. Not sure in which camp that puts me ... but it does remind me of a time a few years ago ...

    When my son was in Afghanistan, I repainted the living room ... except for one side of the beam that bisects the room. He has a habit of standing underneath, with his hands flat on one side of the beam while he's talking, absentmindedly testing the feeling of resistance. I missed him so much, I couldn't stand the thought of covering up his fingerprints. One day when he was home on leave, after finishing his tour (thank you, God), I repainted the beam, and as soon as the paint was dry, had him re-fingerprint his favorite spot. :)

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    kkay_md, I really feel for your daughter's situation and for all the scientists and researchers affected by the sequester. Basic research is a long term investment and an important one. Maybe she can regroup and still find another situation that suits her. I have a scientist daughter too and she is spending the summer doing research at a university lab. Her application deadline was Feb. but many of those opportunities have later deadlines. Can her university career services center help?

    Thank you hhireno for starting this nice random thoughts thread!

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I am allergic to hair dye and if I don't use two packets of Sweet n Low, my head reacts for two weeks. I get blisters on my,scalp, ears and back of my neck. Sweet n Low is a miracle.

    Two weeks ago today, 'Mom' woke up unable to speak clearly. She sounded like she had strep throat and a bad sinus infection. She was diagnosed with severe allergies by her primary. Sent home with nasal spray. I wasn't happy. Two days later, I asked for a referral to an Allergist as the spray wasn't working.

    This past Monday, we took her to the Allergy Dr who spent lots of time with her. She was writing everything by then because we could not understand her. He got us in to an ear, nose, throat Dr two days later.

    'Mom' has a massive growth behind her nose that has grown to the point of closing off her nose completely. It is in her neck and closing off her airway. Her Dr told us it was the smallest airway she has ever seen. Because of her other Health issues, the Dr recommended Hospice but said she would do anything we wanted...

    All of this has happened so fast. All three of her sons chose Hospice. They are coming Monday at 9:00. I've been crying. It's amazing how attached you can get to someone. She has been here a year this month.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oh Golddust - I am so sorry to hear about your MIL. So many of us have had to deal with our elderly parents, it's just painful. Know that we're all thinking of you and sending prayers and hugs.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    graywings -- AmEx called (and emailed) me last night when they noticed suspicious charges on my card. First it was a $1 charge -- apparently that's typical, as they're checking to see if using the account number works? Then there were two other charges -- one for what looked like a cell phone, and one for a clothing store. Needless to say, the account is now closed.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oh Gold, how awful for all of you. I am so sorry, but aren't you glad you brought her to be with you for this year! I know it hasn't been easy-it never is when you have to take care of an elderly parent or two as I know.

    I am sending calm, good energy your way and hoping the next hours /days/weeks are as easy as possible for all of you.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Sorry to hear about your MIL, Golddust.

    I've heard the Sweet n Low works, wonder why?

    Fun thread to read everyone's thoughts.

    I think I have a cyst on my thyroid. Well, not really "think" since I can feel it. The left side was removed in 2008. Hard cyst. Benign. I found a fluid filled cyst Jan 2012. Now this. I'm going to run out of body parts to be removed....

    My list, so far:
    tonsils at age 19 (why mom never agreed when younger????)

    Gallbladder 2004

    Hysterectomy 2011, included everything and a few lymph nodes as well. Never let anyone tell you heavy bleeding is normal just because you are nearing/at menopause age. It is not normal. It could be endometrial hyperplasia with complex atypical cells (aka precancerous). Always listen to your gut!

    DH and I just returned from DisneyWorld. Skip Epcot. Hit The Animal Kingdom. Stay on site so you can use the monorail or buses. And don't forget to eat a Dole Whip (just discovered, and not available many places).

    I'm tired of reading about foods, dyes, etc that may (or may not) cause cancer or other illnesses. Why is it they say X, then in a few years do a 180? Eat WTH you want (as long as you're healthy!).

    I hate exercising. HATE. DH is currently #6 in the Southeast and #26 in the World (for his age group) in the CrossFit Games 2013. I can only dream about my a$$ being that firm.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    It's another gray and rainy day here and my random thought is to do nothing today. There is some golf on (as long as Tiger isn't playing/winning I'll watch it) and my bookclub book calling my name.

    golddust - I too am sorry to hear about your MIL.

    alllson0704 - I agree with you about the foods that in one year are good for you and suddenly the next year are no longer good for you. It's the same with vitamins and supplements. I get so confused. However I no longer pay attention to the studies that tell me that coffee is bad for me. I'm a coffee drinker and to heck with those studies that tell me how bad it is for me.

    Time to pour myself another cup of Saturday morning coffee.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oh, Gold, sorry to hear about your MIL. I can't believe she lived there for a year. It doesn't seem that long ago when you were writing about her coming to live with you.

    Hee,hee,hee...Allison saying she going to run out of body parts and that she can only dream about having a ranked tush.

    I had my tonsils out at the age of 26. They said you'll be off work for two weeks and I thought cool, paid time off in the spring, I'll get to do all sorts of fun things. Turns out I really needed that time to recuperate and it wasn't fun. The day of surgery they tell me we take the kids first so you'll have to wait. I said that's not right, I understand what's about to happen and they don't, I should go first.

    Blf, one of the golfers is the grandson of a member of my husband's church. I went to school with his Mum but he grew up elsewhere. Now that I have two tenuous links to him, I'm actually interested and keep track of how he's doing. He might even play in the Hilton Head tournament next month and we'll be there for that. I'll even attend the tournie (one day of it) if he plays.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    So much for rain - it has been a glorious day here! Just hoping that tomorrow is the same. I have to drive my son at least 2 hrs each way to a lacrosse tournament outside Philly. He *could* ride with his teammate/friend who offered him a ride, but he said the friend has been mean to him lately, so he really wants me to go. Lucky me! Dh can't go as he's coaching my 13 y/o's lacrosse team in a local tournament. Just how I want so spend St. Paddy's Day!

    Speaking of St. Paddy's Day, I just finished prepping Guinness and Steak Pie for dinner tomorrow night. I made the filling, all dh has to do tomorrow is construct the pie (he's a good cook). My 13 y/o is making dessert - she has a few choices and I'm hoping she'll make the one that has Bailey's Irish Cream in it.

    Sue, coincidentally, dh just had to cancel his credit card. I had to order my son's soccer uniform which was being paid for by the team. For some reason, we still had to enter our own Visa number and were told we'd be charged a nominal fee. I don't have a Visa, just AMEX so had to use dh's Visa number. The nominal charge was one penny. Yep, one penny! So the Visa company called dh, suspecting fraud, for the same reason you mentioned. Dh had no idea what this clothing company was, so they canceled his card and sent a new one. Of course, he's telling me this and completely forgot that he'd given me his card number to order the uniform (same day).

    I had my tonsils out in 9th grade over Christmas break. Ruined my break! My grandmother sent me this life size stuffed animal monkey in the hospital. I STILL have it. That thing went to college with me and was the source of many jokes (my roommates would steal him and hang him from various places as it had velcro on its hands so you could stick them together). Just this morning, I happened to notice it as I was cleaning up my room - it sits on a chair in my bedroom, one of the few momentos I still have from childhood.

    The pope. I *am* Catholic and I was surprised at how much coverage the national press was giving to the story. While I'm still practicing, I'm disillusioned with the Church hierarchy after all that has happened these last 10-15 years and hope that the Church will see some modernization in my lifetime (priests marry, women ordained, etc). Happy to see they chose a Jesuit - I went to a Jesuit college.

    Our dog is driving me crazy. We've had him for five months - adopted him just before he turned 2. He's a 100lb lab mix with WAY more energy than our old dog. Last week, he learned how to jump our 4ft high fence just moments before our newly hired dog trainer arrived. The bright side, if there is one, is that the fence is 16 y/o and has seen better days, but the $5500 estimate for replacing it with a higher fence was not something I was anticipating spending money on at this point in time. This afternoon, he escaped thru the front door as my neighbor was leaving. Dh said she was probably saying to herself, "I can't believe they still have that dog." I said to dh, "I've said that to myself several times!" LOL But he is so lovable and sweet that I forgive him his transgressions!

    I'm finally, finally, after 16 years of hating the cushion covers for my dining room chairs, having them recovered. Dh chose the previous fabric while on a trip to Hong Kong (dining set is from Hong Kong purchased on our honeymoon). They only had 3 choices and all were silk. He went with a pearl silk that he said was the only one remotely feasible. I lived with it for years, but hated the sheen and starkness of it. No reason I've waited this long other than it was just not a priority. Finally ordered fabric swatches last week that just arrived yesterday and found one that I think will go well with my decor. Now I just have to get off my rear and call the seamstress to find out how much yardage to order and then make the appointment to have them made.

    My 8 y/o set a trap for the leprechaun she thinks is coming tonight. I am so bad about these things - we never had these kind of "games" when I was young. Going to a party tonight so I hope I remember when we get home to create some mischief! My older kids never had this expectation of a leprechaun visit! Slacker mom I am.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yikes, sorry for that incredibly long post! Didn't realize how much I had typed.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    fourkids4us - there was a bus accident involving a lacrosse team today on the Pennsylvania turnpike.. The accident was near Carlisle with the bus driver and coach of the team being killed. Were they involved in your son's tournament at all? Sad accident for all concerned.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Labs have a lot of energy. We have one. He's loveable and so sweet, but runs and runs and runs. We have 4.5 acres fenced so he can run a lot.... he went swimming twice today. Fence runs into lake a bit. So far he has not swam around it and escaped. Knock on wood.

    DS sent me text today asking if there was $15 in the checking account I keep in AL so he could get gas at Costco. They only take the Costco AmEx (he doesn't have one) or cash/debit. His Chicago bank debit card was canceled today - they called to see if he was trying to buy a $400 watch. Um, no. He still had his card, so not sure where his number was stolen. We're guessing gas station. Some people just need to get jobs instead of trying to steal/stealing from those that do!

    Our grandson is spending the night, 19 months old. He is such a doll. I just love being a Gigi.

    This post was edited by allison0704 on Sun, Mar 17, 13 at 9:24

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Blf, that is awful! I didn't hear about the accident. I don't know if it was the same tournament or not. His games are only Sunday but possible there were different teams there today. We are coming up from MD but won't be taking the turnpike. I've always despised the PA turnpike, but have only driven it in the western side of the state.

    Oh my gosh, the story about the coach is on the news right now! She was from the Baltimore area and was pregnant. So awful. She was a college coach so I'm sure they were headed to a college game, not the tournament we are going to.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Jack, our chocolate lab, is turning two April 2nd. He was the worst puppy we have ever had until we got him hooked on a Chuck-it and tennis balls. A tired lab puppy is a good lab puppy. Now he has ball brain but we haven't lost anymore rugs or furniture.

    But he is so loving. Our shower lady brings her female pit mix to play with him while she works. He tries his best to convince 'Star' that balls are the best. He throws them to her over and over and is thrilled when she picks one up. So far, she thinks balls are very boring. Jack hasn't given up trying to convince her otherwise.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Jack, our chocolate lab, is turning two April 2nd. He was the worst puppy we have ever had until we got him hooked on a Chuck-it and tennis balls. A tired lab puppy is a good lab puppy. Now he has ball brain but we haven't lost anymore rugs or furniture.

    But he is so loving. Our shower lady brings her female pit mix to play with him while she works. He tries his best to convince 'Star' that balls are the best. He throws them to her over and over and is thrilled when she picks one up. So far, she thinks balls are very boring. Jack hasn't given up trying to convince her otherwise.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm so sorry gold. This was quite unexpected it seems. Why don't you do a topic about your MIL?

    With DS & family living here until their house is being built, along with them having a 2 & 4 year old is quite a trip! lol.

    I got an extra bonding point with my 2yr. old granddaughter yesterday. I was alone in the LR and as she's walking in she had tears in her eye's. I immediately picked her up, gave her a big hug and asking what's the matter? She put her little arms around me, put her head on my shoulder and held on for dear life. I told her what a GOOD girl she is, and that "Grandma's here, grandma's here."

    I carried her back to the kitchen where everyone was, and then they told me she was being sent to the corner when I saw her! LOL!!!

    Cold temps and strong northerly winds today, and cloudy. I love it. Last year at this time it got hot and stayed hot.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm kind of late to the party...
    Golddust, so sorry to hear about your MIL. End of life stuff is so hard.
    I talked to my oldest friend on the phone today for an hour. Amazing how easy and fun it was after all these years. She has four girls, our phone calls are usually interrupted so it was really nice to catch up. My youngest is a year older than her oldest, so we are definitely in different places, but it doesn't matter when we talk. I love that!

    Feeling really bad for my DS today. He got a really bad concussion in September playing football. (his second in seven months) He spent the winter seeing docs, PT, tutors, etc. He had a very hard time with a lot of things that he didn't have with his last concussion and it was very scary. He's just about caught up in school, was allowed to ski this past couple weeks,(VERY SLOWLY and carefully) and now he has to see a surgeon to talk about jaw surgery that might require him to have his jaw wired shut for six weeks. Oh, and the tutor really thinks he should be tested for learning disabilities, which would make some sense, but still. He has gained a probably 30 pounds. Thankfully he's 6'3" tall and it doesn't show, but I know he doesn't feel great. I'm trying to get him to go to the gym more regularly and have bribed him with membership to the Crossfit gym whenever he feels ready to go. Today was tryouts for Lacrosse and he really wanted to play, but I just couldn't let him. His doctor at the rehab hospital said it would be ok if he played, but I just couldn't let him do it. He's being a good sport, but I feel like he's lost that athlete identity he had before and that can't feel good. His BFF, who is a girl, is coming skiing with us for the weekend, I'm hoping that cheers him up. She's adorable and has been through some pretty awful stuff this week too. A classmate of theirs, and one of her neighbors, broke into her house last summer and attempted to rape her in the night. The police found him in his home, still wearing the ski mask. The trial was this week, she was a warrior and he was convicted. I also worry about DS seeing this kid anywhere in town. He is in his parents' custody with a lot of restrictions. Hopefully they'll keep him locked up.

    I signed up for a six week course with a nutrition coach. My acupuncturist signed me up. LOL. I feel like I could teach the class WHAT I need to eat. Just can't figure out why I don't do it.

    Traveling to NH every weekend has left our main house looking like a disaster area. I'm looking forward to some time home to go through it like Flylady and toss away some old things and make some decorating plans. I JUST took the Thanksgiving tablecloth off the dining room table. Yikes.

    On the plus side, the other day I was thinking that I can't think of one person I would trade places with. I feel blessed in my cuckoo life with my cuckoo family and friends. I'd love some more expendable income to be able to travel with DH or fix this joint up with, but honestly I am happy to be where I am.

    My 20 year old DD is spending weekends with her BF, going to his college or he comes and visits at hers. It seems surreal in a way that she is suddenly a grownup-ish.We went to Florida to see my mom for a few days, it was fun to hang out.

    Another storm blowing through tomorrow. Thankfully here on the Cape we will get rain and the ski mountain will get snow. Only three more weeks to work up there, we've got to get the cash while we can. DH starts his busy summer job the weekend after mother's day, so a little more than a month to catch up on house stuff.

    I'm mad because my corned beef was kind of undercooked. I saw an awful lot of ridiculous St. Patrick's Day outfits on Facebook. We've always been in the restaurant business, so it was always just a night to deal with idiots. I was happy that DH made it through last night unscathed in his bartending job.

    Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. :)

    Beth P.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Bethpen, I was laughing at your Thanksgiving tablecloth comment. I just got the Christmas village dismantled and put week before last and I only did it then because house guests were arriving. I'm sorry about your son's concussion. Could he play baseball or basketball? They aren't completely impact-free, but much safer for the head than some of the other sports.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Bethpen, I worry about college football and head injuries and I don't want to be scary here but my opinion is that it would be best to take every precaution to keep your son from reinjuring himself. I have done some reading about chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). I'm sure his doctors know all about it but you might want to stress to him the critical importance of taking the time to recover from his injury completely before getting involved in contact sports again.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Fun, he got the first concussion playing basketball. Elbow to the head. He's never liked baseball, has always loved the contact sports. Judith, thanks for voicing my feelings exactly. Football is definitely off the table, he isnt a huge basketball fan anyway, so I thought if he waits until next year he could play lacrosse. He is a sophomore in HS. Of course he says he won't play next year as a junior unless he plays varsity. I'm not sure what's wrong with playing for fun and enjoyment.

    Beth P

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm having a good time reading this, although I am sorry for all of you going through hard times. I am still chuckling at the "how's your dad" comment. I;d have been snorting through the entire funeral. I am famous for getting incurable giggles and passing them along to others.

    Let's see. Random thoughts. I am working on my taxes. I just added up all my medical expenses for a year. Wowza, it's a lot -- and I am healthy! Biggest cost is Medicare Supplemental. I hope I get a big check from the gov't.

    If I don't soon stop spending the entire day sitting on the sofa, one day I will not be able to get up. Why is it so hard to exercise? My brain is rotting, too.

    My brother can be a jerk.

    I hate our Commissioner. I hate the people who live across the street from me. I have to call the police to complain about a car they parked in their front yard. Idiots.

    I better hurry up and finish Season Two of Breaking Bad so I can return the DVD to the library. I also need a good book to read.

    I better get to TJ Maxx and return some stuff soon.

    I wonder if I can squeak another week out of this haircut?

    I am hooked on playing Qwizshow on Facebook.

    My mother is 95. I think she is going to live forever. She can run circles around me.

    I need a new mattress badly. I dread shopping for one. I need some new bras, too. Everything in my life is sagging!!

    That's it for now.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    "...everything in my life is sagging". LOL. I just bit the bullit and finally got around to bra shopping, and i also need a new mattress...the absolutely worst must- have thing to shop for ever. At least bras are cheap and easily returned.
    Haven't exercized in waay too long. Balance , energy and agility getting bad. Started yoga...stretching and moving muscles, not the deep breathing/ relaxing kind. I've never been flexable and it can hurt, but after only five classes i can feel the improvement in all areas. Bending is easier already and have begun to enjoy tough jobs in the garden. Gorgeous, sunny days in the 60's are a help. Spring has sprung in So. Cal.
    Gold, you are one heckuva wonderful, giving, sacrifacing d-in-l. Hope this all goes easily, for all,of you.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Bethpen, I'm afraid competitive sports are mostly about winning once you are past the age of six or so. That's just the way we are conditioned in our society.

  • 11 years ago

    Gold, sorry to hear about your MIL. You did a good thing by inviting her in to live with you; you made this last year a good one for her.

    Had our 5 month old GD for the weekend. How wonderful that she's happy, cheerful and constantly smiling when she sees us. Oh, and that she is sleeping through the night isn't a bad thing either.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    My women's club is having a fundraiser tonight at TGI Friday. We get 15% of the cost of the meals of anyone who arrives with our flyer. Since I might end up eating there (I'll be there from 5-8), I decided to check their nutritional info page to get an idea of what I can order. Oye, have you seen their numbers? I didn't think it was health food but it's still shocking to see the data. I'm sure it's just like every other restaurant of this type and probably not much worse than the restaurants I do frequent (but since I like them I choose to ignore their data. Yes, I'm a hypocrite, sue me). Now I feel guilty about asking friends and family to eat there.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I am mad at DH right now. I want to buy the house from those idiots across the street from ded. Then she and I can sit on the couch sagging all day while thinking about exercising. I think I would like that. I miss PA.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Gold, I am so sorry to hear about your MIL. Oh my goodness. I have followed your story of everything you have done for her, and it is inspiring.

    Also, I keep meaning to go back to the thread I started about ADD and thank you and everyone else who wrote. Your words about your uncle had a big impact on me. I am going to print them out, to remind myself of what is really important in life. Clearly, you understand what is, as you seem to be such a generous spirit in every way.

    This is a neat thread. I like hearing these random thoughts. Happy, sad, and funny . . .would be fun to get together someday and hear all of you in person!

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I need to scoop out all the random thoughts in my head, they wake me up at 3 a.m. recently.

    Maybe writing them out is the solution. I'm not sure how to begin. We just moved into another condo, one floor up from where we were, bigger and a better view.
    I had my annual physical yesterday, can't wait to get my bloodwork analysis back and see my cholesterol levels.
    My weight is down a bit so that might help.

    We had a beautiful first day of spring yesterday, all the snow melted. Why don't I meditate when I'm stressed out? I'm getting a massage this afternoon.

    I'm too blessed to be stressed, got to repeat this today.

    The pope nomination became like a reality show, white smoke, black smoke- I don't think anything is going to change in the catholic church.

    Time for coffee, it tastes so good in the morning, terrible later on.
    I'm grateful for the cashmere leopard print robe I got on sale (70%) off. I am looking forward to being in florida for a few weeks early april, I have a great reflexologist there that helps me relax big time.

    Have a happy day all of you !

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    LOL, Cyn. Please buy that house. We can not exercise together every day.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Sorry about your MIL, Gold, and DS problems, Beth P. DH played football and baseball (loved most) in HS. He is 56yo and does CrossFit. LOVES it. He signed up for the CrossFit Games and is in the Top 10 (for now) in the SE and Top 50 in the World. But that's bound to disappear this week, as we've all had the nastiest of nasty stomach virus. GS picked it up at the park, then me, then DH, DD1, DD2 (his mom). GS and DH are still having issues. The rest of us feel like crap. At least I was able to get up on Tuesday and help her/go to store. DH said it's because we are both mothers that we've been able to get over quicker.

    I had to cancel my surgeon's appointment this week for the thyroid cyst. :-/

    In the midst of being sick, a storm came through. We were w/o power (but had generator), internet and phone for 15 hours. Our generator doesn't work the lower level, so DD1 was not happy. At least DD2 had GS had power at their house.

    My To Do list had gotten shorter, now it has grown too long again... Does anyone ever catch up?!