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Any FF 4 Issues ?

13 years ago


Now that FF4 is out, I was wondering if users could give some feedback. Was it an easy install/upgrade ? Were there a significant number of add-ons that are not yet supported ? Is JAVA still working well (for sites like Pogo) ?

I hadn't been using any of the betas and wasn't really keeping up with the discussion. (I keep going back and forth between FF3 and Opera 11.)

Anyway, thanks for any comments ! :-)

Comments (32)

  • 13 years ago

    I have no issues with it. I only use 1 add on though add / block. I don't use Java anymore either so I can't comment on that part.

  • 13 years ago

    Thanks for the reply, zep.

    Unfortunately, I have an issue. :-(

    We have two FF profiles each of which has a shortcut in the Windows 7 taskbar. Well, I downloaded and installed FF4. When I started the default profile for testing it didn't have anything in the bookmarks bar ! They were still in the "bookmarks bar" section of the bookmark manager, but they aren't there in the actual bar !

    Well, instead of fiddling with a fix for that at the moment (since a number of my own add-ons are not yet supported), I simply re-downloaded FF3 and installed it. The bookmarks are back for the default profile and both profiles are undamaged from my experiment.

    But my problem is that I can't seem to pin the second (non-default) profile icon (which is now just a desktop icon) to the taskbar where the default profile shortcut is. And the profile manager keeps wanting to start up, too !

    Any suggestions ?

    Thanks !

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  • 13 years ago

    I'm never in a hurry to upgrade FF because quite often some of my add on's don't work with it.

  • 13 years ago

    Btw, I'm also now having trouble with the two profiles (the default one in the taskbar and the second one that I'd *like* to put on the taskbar as well, but that is presently only a desktop icon). I can't get the FF profile manager to stop asking me which profile I want to start ! FWIW, I have already changed the target address (under Properties, etc.) so each icon targets/starts the appropriate profile. And I have told the profile manager (via the checkbox) not to keep asking at startup. But it does. ....sigh.... I knew I should have waiting a few weeks/months until it was reaaaallllly finished. Oh, well. Live and learn. (Or in my case: live and never learn.) :-/

  • 13 years ago

    Okay, I managed to get the profile manager to stop asking me each time I tried to open one of the profiles. But I'm still unable to get the second profile's icon (on the desktop) on the taskbar. When I right-click it, I only have the option of UNpinning it from the taskbar.

    Btw, sorry for the grammatical error in my last post's title. :-(

  • 13 years ago

    Sorry that your having a concern. You are the first and only I have seen, except for a few add-ons, over multiple forums. I lost use of two add-ons, but its no big thing. Any add-on is a convenience and secondary to the browser. FF and it's capabilities are primary to me so why should I wait? What would I do if an upgrade for a particular add-on never came?


  • 13 years ago

    Maybe FF or Windows just doesn't allow both to be on the taskbar. If they work fine as Desktop icons, that would be good enough for me. Sometimes it's just not worth the time to try to make something like this obey you....

  • 13 years ago

    DA: I have 19 add-ons and at least half a dozen were not yet supported. So I'll wait a few weeks anyway and see if, now that FF4 has been officially released, those extensions get updated. In the meantime, I actually got an update for FF3: 3.6.16.

    Kudzu: I had two FF profile icons on the taskbar since I got this custom-built Windows 7 computer (Autumn '09). It was only when I upgraded to FF4 temporarily that the installation process took one of them away. I've been trying to search at the mozillazine.org FF support forums (and the knowledge base) but haven't found anything as yet. Since I've already introduced the subject, I'll wait to see if someone else here might have ideas before posting something at that forum.

    Thanks to all for the comments so far. :-)

  • 13 years ago

    If a user waits this is what reported changes they miss out on:


    Here is a link that might be useful: Firefox Changes

  • 13 years ago

    I doesn't matter what we miss out on. If you like the version you have keep it. Don't sweat the small stuff and it is all small stuff.

  • 13 years ago

    My FF updated to version 4 without my being aware of it. I just saw that I had version 4. I only use 1 add-on. It is not my default browser, so I guess that's how the update slipped by me.

  • 13 years ago

    There may be various reasons why you might want to run multiple Firefox profiles at one time. You may want to test extensions without affecting your current setup, create a minimal profile for checking email, or you may just want to use a clean profile sometimes.

    Here is a link that might be useful: multiple Firefox profiles at one time

  • 13 years ago

    I installed it on a laptop and a netbook. It seems much faster than 3.6 and in general I really like it.

    I had a MAJOR problem on my netbook. I like to click a link with both mouse buttons at the same time to open in a new tab.

    That works fine on my laptop (Dell), but on my netbook (HP), that triggers the scroll. I'm so used to doing that I had revert to 3.6 on my netbook. The laptop shows that the touchpad is a Dell touchpad, but when I look at the driver, it says it's ALPS. The netbook is an ALPS, too, but it doesn't work with FF 4.

  • 13 years ago

    A new CCleaner with support for IE9 and Firefox 4 amongst other changes.


    Here is a link that might be useful: CCleaner

  • 13 years ago

    Well, I was finally able to figure out what to do (thanks to a hint from someone at the FF forum). FWIW, here it is:

    I first UNpinned the default profile shortcut from the taskbar (which made it disappear entirely), leaving only the desktop shortcut to the second profile. I then went to shortcut on the desktop, right-clicked it, then clicked on "open file location." Then I created a desktop shortcut from the FF folder location (so at that point there were two) and made that newly created one the default profile shortcut. Now with two desktop shortcuts and no shortcut on the taskbar I was able to right-click on each of them and pin each to the taskbar.

    Whew !

    Btw, thanks for all the comments re: FF4. :-)

  • 13 years ago

    Btw, it seems A LOT of people over at the Mozillazine forums are having issues with (or major dislikes of) FF4 and are wanting to revert. Many, like me (I'm glad to hear), are finding lots of add-ons not yet supported and are downgrading. Looks like I'll hang around here (3.6.16) for the time being until more extensions are compatible.

    I noticed several suggestions at the forum that Mozilla create an add-on (or built-in functionality) to allow checking of add-on compatibility BEFORE going through with such a major upgrade. Would be nice.... ;-)

  • 13 years ago

    I always wait and allow time for the add on authors to do their updates so that hopefully my add ons will work, I have a lot of add ons I really love and depend on. Some have gone by the way side because the author simply quit updating them and some other people took over and started updating since it was such a popular add on.

    I know that ff4 is not playing as friendly with older OS versions like xp have seen several complaints.

  • 13 years ago

    I havent tried it on the Vista yet, but I did put it on the XP. I ended up with the plug in container. exe errors and crashing, and my Symantec Corporate Client Anti virus program kept showing errors, and wouldnt update. I removed it and went back to the the last version I had on here and everything is back to normal and working great. I wont be downloading it on this computer again, and after all the reading I have been doing on the plug in container problem, I just might think twice before putting it on the Vista too.

  • 13 years ago

    When it is free it is very hard to complain about anything. As I said before it is about the browser not the add-ons.

    With the newer Vista and W7 coding (80% the same) more and more software purveyors are planning to reduce XP comparability. Manufacturers cannot live in the past with bloated code as they look to the future. Get ready for the outbursts when 128 systems are released and that will be sooner than we think. Users will have to enter the current era sooner or later even if it is kicking and screaming.

    The reoccurring theme is during the release of XP besides it being the largest seller to date it also was the O/S with the highest percentage of first time users.


  • 13 years ago

    DA: As I said before it is about the browser not the add-ons.

    I would think one could say this about almost any browser except Firefox. ;-)

    But I agree: we must remind ourselves that all this FF stuff (browser, add-ons) is free and try to be more patient with the people working hard to make/keep it available to us.

  • 13 years ago

    I tried it, but missed my status bar at the bottom. I played with it for 2 days trying to find the setting, then reinstalled FF 3.6.


  • 13 years ago

    I think we are all patient with this situation. I'm sure we all appreciate FF and the people who put it together. Thanks to "whoever" that is.

  • 13 years ago

    No problems here on Windows XP Pro except one add-on doesn't work.


    They dropped the status bar to get more screen real estate but the good news is that someone came up with an add-on that adds it back. I downloaded/installed it and it works pretty good. The download link is below.


    Here is a link that might be useful: Status-4-Evar Firefox add-on

  • 13 years ago

    I did a cursory review of the FF forums and it appears to me the reoccurring questions are mostly "unable to locate". The browser presentation changes to me are nothing more than superficial ones. In one instance, what really can the big intrusion be if the tabs are above the address bar or below it? There must not have been too much negative feed back from users as there were 12 betas and 2 RCs prior to this final release.

    If there were no changes to FF then why would they ever upgrade it? Without changes we would still be at v1.0 released in December 21, 2004.


  • 13 years ago

    FF4: Is it faster? YES!

    Add-on problems? No Add-ons...NO PROBLEM!!

    Are there changes I don't like? Yes, but I can fix them easily.

    Thanks Mozilla!!!

  • 13 years ago

    I too have installed FF4 on my XP Pro laptop, and LOVE it! Better speed, NOT ONE add-on problem (admittedly I have very few), and no changes to taskbars etc that I see.

    I've probably just cursed myself with this post!


  • 13 years ago

    FWIW, I didn't really pay too much attention to the aesthetic changes, since I realized immediately that the lack of compatibility with many of my 20 or so add-ons would make upgrading at this time more pain than gain. But in my case I already have done some customizing of the look with FF3:

    Tabs on Top (I guess I was way ahead of FF4 with that one ;-). When using Iron/Chrome I liked that compact feeling and tried to imitate it, using also the add-ons below:)
    Tiny Menu
    Hide GUI Bars (hides, among other things, the status bar, making it a pop-up at the bottom left that display only when needed)
    Hide Caption Title Bar (The title bar in any browser has always seemed like a big waste of space to me.)

    As I say, I didn't look too closely at the new look of FF4, so it's possible that some of these add-ons are incompatible precisely because they are no longer necessary. (Like the hidden status bar ? Does it pop-up on FF4 when needed ? Or maybe show in the address bar as in Opera ?)

    But others of my add-ons (Favicon Picker, Text Link, and some others) are also incompatible. Perhaps their functionality has also been incorporated into the default behaviour of FF 4 as well. Or not. Maybe I'll get brave enough to try upgrading again next week. For now it's a waiting game.....

    As the OP, I appreciate the continued comments. Thanks ! :-)

  • 13 years ago

    I do like the minimal look of a browser, allowing the webpage to have as much viewable space as possible. To that end I have also scripts loaded in my FireGestures add-on allowing me to hide/display the addressbar and/or the bookmark bar with a simple, quick mouse gesture. Fortunately, FireGestures is already (supposedly) compatible with 4.0. :-)

  • 13 years ago

    Cat, my sister called to tell me her computer crashed. She can't get it to come on. Her husband thought it might be the processor. I asked her if FF had undated to a new version and she said yes. Her son set her PC to update everything automatically. She said she would tell him to check that out.

  • 13 years ago

    Hi Vala, it sounds to me, like more going on than Firefox update, if she cant get the computer to come on. First thing, I would do when I got it back up and running, was to turn those automatic updates off, with the exception of anti virus software, of course. Updates can always be done manually, and only 1 or 2 at a time, that way, if there is a problem, would be much easier to get things back to normal again. Good Luck to your sister.

  • 13 years ago

    I have sat here and for the life of me cannot grasp how a topical browser upgrade can cause such consternation. If it was an integrated browser such as IE perhaps, but this is an independent application configured for demand. It doesn't configure directly into the O/S as it operates in the O/S shell.

    I can only come up with three possibilities:

    1. There is a configured application, i.e. firewall, av or real-time malware, that is in reoccurring conflict with FF4.

    2. FF4 should not to be installed as an overwrite upgrade.

    As I never do an overwrite, unless directed by the manufacturer, my installation was a clean install without any concerns.

    3. The installation process was not done correctly.

    Of say 100,000 users who upgraded to FF4 you are one of the 1,000 who have had a legitimate concern, don't read add-ons here, being in the minority is not satisfying. However, you are in the minority. As with any application release there are those who have a concern. If any concerns are prevalent and FF4 focused we can expect a v4.0.1 soon.


  • 13 years ago

    thanks Cat I will suggest she do that. My sis is surrounded by PC gurus, they will fix her problem when they have time. Her son gets approximately 250 emails a day from IBM customers who need help, so he is very busy. Her other son works for Time Warner and her husband works in the PC field. I am glad I have to do it myself I've learned more. LOL

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