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Maytag Washer and Dryer

There were commercials a while back about the poor, underworked Maytag repairman. Not much to do. He lazes around.........

In the early 70's we bought a Maytag washer and dryer.

In the 90's I had a problem, and called that lazy Maytag repair man. He came out and said, "Never sell these things. Only 3 things can go wrong!" Keep them till your dying day.

So now it's 2013, and the dryer wasn't beeping. Same story from the repairman. "These are gold. DO NOT GET RID OF THEM!"

Took him 5 minutes to fix the problem.

What I need is some of that porcelain paint to patch the chips!

Old isn't bad. Sometimes it's just better!


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