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Help me please

14 years ago

Yesterday morning I turned on my computer,only to find I could not access my yahoo mail,this is what came up,

Internet Explorer cannot display this page.

I called my hot line for help, i am connected,but can not get into internet explorer,

I though it was maybe a different problem, as I kept getting these messages pop up to upload my tool bar, so I did, to msn,thinknig that was the problem.I THOUGHT it was a new version of yahoo.

Msn installed a new tool bar,then somrthing came up aobut google saying there was a new something or other.

I know i am not a lot of help, i know nothing about fixing computers, or even the language that is used.

Maybe i removed something i sjould not have,i do not remember removing any thing.

Can any one here help me.PLEASE,I am ready to pull my hair out,that would not be pretty.

Thank you so very much.Did i do a bad thing installing MSN?

Would you recomend i get rid of it?

At one time, i knew how to go back a few days on my computer, but,now,i do not even remember how i did that.


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