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Need help with an uncomfortable issue

17 years ago


I have a weird situation and feel funny asking for help, but was hoping that someone might be out there to lend a tiny hand. I don't normally get personal in here and won't say much, but DH and I are having some "problems" and now I have a pc issue b/c of it. We both have separate accounts on this pc and log on w/passwords. When I came online recently, I noticed that DH had been on "my side" of the pc and had read my emails and looked at some of my word docs, etc. I confronted him and asked how he got to my mail and other things when he doesn't know my passwords. He said that passwords didn't matter, that there were "other ways" around things. He joked about some program that records every key stroke. I am just trying to figure out how he got to my stuff and of course I would love to see what HE is up to. I do not know his log on password. In the control panel area, the only thing I can do is change his password or remove it, but there is no way to SEE it.

I didn't see anything too weird in add/remove programs, thinking something had been downloaded there. I did notice a weird icon thing at the bottom of my IE internet screen, though now I think it might be a legitimate item and not something DH did. It's some sort of "phishing filter". I saw a tiny pic of an eye, and thought I was being watched, but it's in the "tools" section, like it came with IE.

So I am wondering how to find out if my keystrokes are being monitored or how to look at what DH is doing, if I may ask that. I appreciate any help!!!!!!

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