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What kind of a problem do I have ?

18 years ago

I have a Dell pentium runing xp, firefox and thunderbird. I use a dial up connection.

A few weeks ago I forgot to disconnect from the internet. When I came back to the computer hours later it looked like a pinball machine in a tilt condition.

Since then every time I connect to the internet it changes my connection to... remain connected... never dial up.

In addition it knocks my connection down generally after 5 minutes or so. The message says... Generic Host Process for Win 32 srvices has encountered a problem and needs to close.

I talked to earthlink support and they told me to reinstall every thing. I wouldn't know where to start with that approach.

Anybody have any suggestions as to what is going on.


Comments (32)

  • 18 years ago

    Two things you might try. Very first thing is open myComputer, right click the main drive, select properties, select the tool tab. Run the Error Check and do select both boxes for a full check. It will tell you it runs the next time you start windows. Which it will and will take some time to complete .. it may seem like windows is hung, give it time to do its job.

    Next thing would be to type into the Run box
    SFC /ScanOnce
    which will quickly open and close a black window that you most likely wont be able to read... it says something like; System File Checker will run the next time you start windows. So Reboot,,, then when windows does start it may ask for you to put your Windows installation CD in the cd disk drive. And it too will or may take a few minutes to complete.

  • 18 years ago

    I ran both options. No errors or problems were detected. I also updated my definitions file and ran Ad Aware. Only 1 tracking cookie was found which I deleted.

    The problem still exists...


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  • 18 years ago

    If I search yahoo, two main things that seem to cause that error message are scanners and firewalls. And most are dated a couple yrs or so back.

    If you have a scanner installed, I'd suggest trying add/remove to remove its software ... but maybe first visit the makers web pages and see if there's an updated driver.

    Same with a firewall. Download the current version first then uninstall,, & reboot before installing it fresh.

    If you're familiar with registry cleaners might run one.. I prefer free... RegSeeker from

    If youre comfortable with your isp/network settings ... and working from a cmd window
    netsh winsock help
    will show commands available and one hopefully will be reset.... so run;
    netsh winsock reset
    which may break programs like yahoo or google toolbar requiring you to reinstall them. Would think dell would have had you do this already as you mention a probable DNS problem.

  • 18 years ago

    I talked to earthlink support and they told me to reinstall every thing. I wouldn't know where to start with that approach.

    Being challenged, I am merely shootin in the dark here. Could Earthlink possibly have meant to uninstall and reinstall Earthlink, assuming you maybe had a disc and could do it yourself without them having to be of any more assistance?

    I too have Earthlink, and don't think I even had to have a disc to get on line with them. Could it be as simple as calling them back, and having them walk you through the unisallation, deletion, and reinstallation of Earthlink?

    Like I said...just shootin in the dark.


  • 18 years ago

    When you suggest working from a cmd prompt that is just a dos window isn't it.

    I used the command prompt to try the "netsh winsock help" command but the system did not recognize the command. I did not try the reset command yet.

    I do not have a scanner on the system. I am not familiar with firewalls. If I have one it would have been installed by Dell when I purchased the system. It is about 2 years old now.


  • 18 years ago

    Paul if you are not sure about your firewall then is it fair to presume you are also running with no spy detection software installed too? What about anti virus, is that kep up to date?

    You can click Start then Control panel then Security centre and take a look there to ensure your firewall is actually turned on. At some point you should seriously consider getting a free 2 way firewall as the Microsoft one you have is only one way. It stops incoming problems but allows anything already on your computer to phone home without your knowledge.

  • 18 years ago

    In the run line off the start button, type CMD , and that will open a windows command interpreter window.

    If you ran netsh from a boot to prompt window, youre right, it probably wouldnt work there as that's before windows actually loads.

  • 18 years ago

    The window opened but it did not recognize the netsh command.

    Mcafee was installed on the computer when I bought it. My understanding was that it would only work in conjunction with internet explorer so I have never upgraded or used it.

    I took a fast look and the firewall may be turned off. But I am not sure of all the issues on this.

    I suspect that both the firewall and virus programs issues can be discussed at length but for right now they are not connected to my mind... to the problem.

    I am concerned about getting in over my head on this and causing a bigger problem.

    I did receive a disk from Earthlink about 6 months ago which was an upgrade disk. I suppose I could try installing that but it may conflict with firefox etc and I could lose the emails I am saving plus who knows what other kinds of problems.


  • 18 years ago

    Well Paul, you may be right that the firewall, anti virus and anti spyware programs are not connected to your problem but there is an excellent chance it could be exactly that.

    While I do not want muddy the water while Mikie is doing his magic for you may I suggest you consider downloading, installing and running AdAware from the link below? I would be very interested in the number of objects found by this scan. However, wait till Mikie or someone else agrees with my line of thinking, then you have the comfort of knowing more than one person might think this could be a major part of your problems.

    Here is a link that might be useful: AdAware download site

  • 18 years ago

    I believe in his post he mentions he ran Ad-Aware.

  • 18 years ago

    If you can do a system restore to several weeks ago before this happened, it just may return to normal.
    You could stick the Earthlink cd in and reinstall, that would have no effect on Firefox and would not remove anything Earthlink on your computer, it would be like a repair install.
    I would bet that your email is stored on an Earthlink server and not on your computer.
    From what I've read Generic Host Process for Win 32 services could be because of an HP printer or the Blaster Worm.
    I've always blocked generic host from connecting with my firewall.
    I've read most of the posts at the link below, but can't come up with a definite answer for you.
    For System Restore:
    Start/Programs/Accessories/System Tools/System Restore
    Start/ Run/ type>

    Here is a link that might be useful: Generic Host Process for Win32

  • 18 years ago

    Think NetSh was first introduced to xp as an advanced networking add on then later came included with sp2. Apparently the comp is still on xp SP1 or original 'Gold' version of xp.

    So it sounds like if you really want to begin an attempt to not reinstall windows fresh and keep those emails, perhaps download something like Grisoft AVG virus program and try running it in safe mode.
    I suspect from what's said you probably have some bugs that need dealt with ,,, and maybe, by chance, that may fix everything.


  • 18 years ago

    Jane wrote:- I believe in his post he mentions he ran Ad-Aware.

    Yes Paul mentioned that but I was trying to elicit more information from him by jogging his memory perhaps. Has he got an out of date version of AdAware? I worked on a computer that I was told was cleaned by AdAware the day I got the machine to fix. They had an out off date version so I updated and ran the latest version only to find 484 bad guys lurking in his computer.

    He also says Mikie's netsh instruction failed so perhaps he is running Windows 98. We do not know.

    He also suggested that as the computer came with McAfee he assumed it would simply run in the background for him. We have no idea if this is a newer or older computer nor are we aware of the operating system installed.

    I also understand his reluctance to move to another area of concern while he is sorting Mikie's things out. Obviously he is a little nervous about doing too much with the computer. Totally understandable too. This is why I like to suggest to anyone that if they become flustered or frustrated then they need to move away for a spell and come back rested. It works wonders.

    The good thing is Paul has come looking for help rather than take it in and have to pay handsomely for what he is capable of fixing himself with some help.

  • 18 years ago

    I used the link to update Ad-Aware from ver 1.5 to 1.6. I also let it update the definition file again. I ran a new scan and the system was absolutely clean.

    I thought that a system restore might be a viable option so I ran this after I first encountered this problem. It did not resolve the problem. One odd thing though... when I was running the system restore I had a system type message pop up on the screen stating that system restore would not protect my computer. That struck me as odd in that system messages don't normally analyze conditions.

    I think I will try the earthlink update. Hopefully it will give me an option at certain points to back out.

    The system is 2 to 3 years old. In addition to no scanner there is no printer attached. Again... I am running xp.

    I am still wondering about the netsh command and why I can't find it.


  • 18 years ago

    I did not try the earthlink update... It has a bunch of things I am not enterested in and it may wipe out the emails I need to save.

    I do have a driver and utilities disk that were installed on the computer when purchased. What would the harm be in just booting up with that and reinstalling the drivers and utilities just in case one got damaged somehow.

    The link suggested for Host process for Win 32 was an enteresting link. Appartently a bunch of people have the same problem. One said it was just a driver problem. Others suggested it might be the worm "Blaster".

    There was a scan available on one of the links. Perhaps I will try that.


  • 18 years ago

    If you really want to do a scan. I would highly reccommend the free AVG Anti-Spyware 7.5 formally ewido anti-spyware 4.0, this is the best for finding any malware on your computer. If it comes up clean you shouldn't have any spyware concerns.

  • 18 years ago

    I downloaded the spyware software and ran a scan. It found 218 items but I assume that these were the ones I quarntined using Ad Aware. The last time I ran Ad Aware it found no problems as it considered these taken care of. In any case I deleted them this time.

    A question... the spyware program only found cookie type of problems... no really bad bugs or worms. Are you sure that this software is capable of finding something like the Worm Blaster. Should I be comfortable in that there are no bad virus currently in my system.


  • 18 years ago

    Not sure if AVG anti spyware would remove "Blaster"
    I don't think the 218 items would have come from ad-aware quarantine.
    Click Start/ Run/ type> MRT and do a scan with the MS Malicious Removal Tool. It does list Win32/Msblast and will remove it, if that's what you have.

    If you have service pack 2 installed:
    Start/ Run/ type CMD
    At the command prompt, type the following, and then press ENTER:

    netsh Winsock reset

    When the program is finished, you will receive the following message:

    Successfully reset the Winsock Catalog. You must restart the machine in order to complete the reset.

  • 18 years ago

    I was attempting to download updates that Microsoft told me I needed. I tried to download too many at one time and then this problem knocked me down again.

    Now the updates have been checked off as downloaded. Is there another way to find out what they determined I needed and to retrigger the downloads.


  • 18 years ago

    You can go to the Control Panel/ Add or Remove, put a check in "Show updates" It'll show the updates you've installed and the date.
    I'm guessing if you removed any of them, next time you go to MS updates, it'll say you need them.

    If you get the free Belarc Advisor it'll show you where you stand on MS hotfixes and update patches.

  • 18 years ago

    I was able to download about 60 updates last night including the Windows Mal removal tool program. Now I do not see the removal program anywhere.

    If I look at add and remove I only see maybe 5 new fixes. I do not see a checkbox... show updates. I assume that the programs were both downloaded and installed which is what it said it was doing.

    When I check with Microsoft they indicate I have updated all the programs.

    What am I missing...

    I still cannot run the ntsch reset command although I can now come up with a directory listing for netsch. There is a sub directory with a reset command. I would have to recheck to see what the name is. I actually tried it but it didn't seem to do anything.


  • 18 years ago

    The Removal Tool is located at C:\WINDOWS\system32\MRT
    Easier just to type MRT in the Start/Run box.

    The show updates is up here in add-remove.

  • 18 years ago

    From an open cmd window you want to run the NetShell command
    NETSH /?

  • 18 years ago

    I have been clicking on tray icons for the updates to no avail. My add and remove does not have the check box just the first box in your image. However I did find a way to show the updates last night but right now I do not remember how.

    In any case when I clicked on the icon tonight if had found the remaining 55 update programs I had downloaded. They are now installed and I rebooted.

    The netsh /? only shows me a list of commands of which reset is not one of them. What would the description of this command look like?? I do have a set command which relates to windows environmental variables.

    One of the 55 updates was the windows removal tool. I just finished a complete scan and no virus was detected. The blaster worm though is not listed as one that it looks for. I thought I saw on the microsoft website last night that this tool does look for the blaster worm. So this issue is still open.

    When I ran the removal tool it said I should update to a newer version of xp.

    So not sure where I am right now so maybe just get some sleep and think about it.


  • 18 years ago

    Here is where I think I am...

    There are no more updates except for a few programs relating to internet explorer which I am not using.

    There is one suggestion that I update to a newer version of xp. I will put this on hold for now.

    I went back to the microsoft website to check on the removal tool capabilities. The worm blaster is an alias of msblast. So I do not have a virus at least as far as microsoft is telling me.

    One solution posted on a link from the win32 host process link that was suggested earlier was that the problem was simply a driver problem.

    So I have my driver installation disk in hand. I could reinstall it... question is do I have to change the boot up procedure to do it or just stick it in and let it fly. I don't see that this would hurt in any way unless other vendors modify drivers already on the system. I have no printer or scanner and only 4 or 5 outside vendor packages.

    The other approach would be to determine the state of my drivers currently on the system. I am not sure how I do that.

    One factor I rechecked today. When I connect to the internet my selection on control panel/internet connections/ is changed to ... never dial a connection. When I disconnect from the internet I can sign back on but cannot connect to any web page. I have to bring up the control panel... and change the choice to... always use my default number.

    The funny thing is that I checked my wife's computer (same as mine only newer with identical software)and her choice always is... never dial a connection yet she never has a problem reconnecting to the internet.

    I currently am using a dial up connection.


  • 18 years ago

    I dont know your abilities,
    netsh .. if you dont know how to reconfigure things to connect to your isp, it could become a show stopper.
    But assuming all your internet configurations are not the cause of your surfing problems, netsh can rebuild your internet connection which can occasionally become corrupt;;

    netsh winsock reset
    unlikely but, it may ask for your xp cd if a file is missing

    What version of XP are you running ?

  • 18 years ago

    I am running the home edition of xp.

    Mikie... If you go up a couple of posts you will see that I explained exactly what I can produce by using the netsh command. I cannot exec the ... netsh winsock reset... period.

    Try keying in netsh after you bring up the dos window by using the cmd command. That is exactly what I get.


  • 18 years ago

    Hi Paul,
    I see Earthlink dial up. I used to have more problems with that because of Proxy settings.
    Check this page out and set it up how Earthlink says.
    Earthlink Support Center
    I know you don't use IE, but it's easier to get to connections in IE through Tools/ Internet Options/ Connections, than the Control Panel.
    Also, in Firefox under Tools/ Options/ General/ Connection Settings, I have Direct connection to the internet checked for dial-up

  • 18 years ago

    Randy Hi,

    I didn't have to use ie...
    Earthlink wants both proxies unchecked which mine were already.
    In Firefox I only have three choices and dial up is not one of them. The three are... direct detect proxys... and manual proxy...

    I wonder if I need to update Firefox...


  • 18 years ago


    On second thought I don't see this as a problem. Look above about 5 posts up where I stated I checked my wife's computer and she also has the... never dial a connection... checked. She also uses a dial up connection yet never has a problem.

    Do you know how I check my drivers to see if they are ok or need updating.


  • 18 years ago

    OK... one problem is resolved. I ran another check. I left the ... never dial a connection checked. I disconected and then checked the phone. It hung up properly. I then signed back on and was able to bring up my home page.

    The... never dial a connection... means never automatically dial a connection... it does not mean... do not let me dial a connection.

    This agrees with my wife's computer setup. Where I ran into the wrong analysis was I was going down on the error message about 2 or 3 minutes when I connected to the internet. That left my phone connected and I would have to shut the system down completely and then reboot it.

    So that leaves the error problem but that may also be resolved too... hopefully. I noticed just before I started to put the 60 updates in that sometimes I was staying connected for longer periods of time. When I ran the updates I stayed connected for about 2 or 3 hours and only went down on the error condition on the 55th update. I was astounded but disregarded it because I was simply sitting in one place performing one function.

    I have not had the error pop up for about 24 hours now. I wish I could pinpoint what may have resolved it but can't right now. I will go back through the posts to see it something makes sense.

    I would say another 3 or 4 days without the error then I would feel the problem is resolved.

    I appreciate everyone's effort in this. The links provided I must say were very helpful.

    Thanks again

  • 18 years ago

    Sounds like you hopefully fixed it whatever you did.
    I've always had "never dial a connection" on every dial-up computer I've owned. I think that's the best choice.

    If you want to check drivers, right click My Computer/Properties/Hardware/Device Manager, anything with a yellow exclamation mark may need something.

    I leave my dial-up on all night downloading and in the morning pages that were open are frozen and look like a pinball machine in a tilt condition, so now I minimize all open pages.