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Halloween Wine Glasses

16 years ago

Just one more thing and then I promise to quit. I'd thought this might come in handy if you're giving a Halloween get-together.

Some of you might remember my fall arrangement with the carved pumpkin my friend gave me. The husband of this same friend presented me with six spider web wine glasses one Halloween. Obviously, he's talented enough to make a living with his art.

Last year I gave a luncheon for some of my teacher friends and needed more glasses than the six I had. So, I went on a search and found this idea. Just bought cheepie wine glasses and painted a line of red paint around the glasses and let the paint run down at will. Now, how easy is that! If you've never used glass paint, you should know that you have to let it set for several days before using. And you must paint "below lip level" as it isn't good to have it in your mouth.


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