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Frameless Glass shower or Use Channel? (Steam and normal)

13 years ago

We are close to finishing a 1 year construction project. Three of our showers need the glass enclosure.

Our Master has Steam and the vendor recommends strongly not to go completely frameless. Suggests we use the channel approach (metal trim around glass/tile) and the door will be frameless. He said we can go complete frameless but warned that the caulking will get black and maintainence headache. Either option is included in our contract (no added fees).

Any recommendation on using a channel versus going frameless with caulking ?

Is there any other options we should be considering?

Also some steam showers have the glass above door able to slant out to let out the steam and he warned against it (keeps getting out of alignment, etc,) and said to just open the window or fan.

Appreciate all your help.

We need to quickly decide on glass enclosure type.

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