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Experience with dark, solid quartz for counter? X-post in kitchen

12 years ago

I was all set to order and schedule templating for my vanity counters: Cambria Fieldstone, a dark gray engineered quartz. I have Caesarstone Blizzard (white) in my kitchen and I love it. Unfortunately, I was with DH and the sales person said: "you do know that DARK quartz scratches very easily, right?". Now DH wants to reassess this choice. We are going to go to the stone yard this weekend to see if any dark, solid, modern looking granite slabs exist and speak to us, but I'm not a fan of mixing stones, and my BS will have a marble/glass mosaic.

I had never heard that dark quartz "scratches" easily. I'm not sure I believe this. My kitchen counters are bulletproof, though I don't cut directly on them. Here, it's a bathroom and there will be no knives near it anyway, as there might be in a kitchen. Anyone out there with real life experience with dark, solid, Cambria quartz counters in particular?


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