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Pics of my Computer/Craft Room Collections

15 years ago

Like lynninnm's laundry room decorated with "Cottage Style," I have filled my computer/craft room with things that I love in "Southwestern" & "Connections to Nature" styles.

A couple of my fav prints...this one is a farmer & his good helper (GS?)...corn print. We bought it at DH's GF's estate sale. He earned it as a premium selling seed corn. It sits on top of the sewing center.

The "Gleaners" ... old print I bought in antique store...sure you've all seen it before...peasants in wheat field after harvest, "gleaning."

My SW art began when I visited NM in the mid-90's...loved it! I bought this RC Gorman print at a convenience store!! Then my friend purchased these tiles for me at my request a few yrs. later...."connection to nature"...I love it!

Here's a close-up of one of the tiles:

I have 2 shelves above my counter workspace & for the last 10 yrs. or so, I've collected "children" planters...I bought the first one at a TS & have been hooked since!

Some more:

They come in torquoise, pink, cream & yellow. They are not all made by the same mfg...the short-skirted girl/boy ones have a heart with an arrow engraved etched in the finish...that is the only markings:

I will use the pink ones in the dining area for Valentine's decor! (would never thought of that until I started visiting your forum)!

Also have old camera's displayed above my computer desk...and lots of family pics in this room! I am "at home" here...cluttered tho it may be & very messy alot of the time...then I "re-organize." Thanks for letting me share...and patty-cake for starting the "collections" thread! Jeanne S.

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