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New here and need some help with Mom moving in

15 years ago

My mother is 87 and has severe mobility problems. She uses a walker all of the time. Her mental ability is pretty good, but she is pretty deaf. I moved her into my house and I think we are both having a hard time. She can't really do the stairs so is sleeping on the sofa in the living room. I never used that room for much except for entertaining as I spent all my reading and TV time in the downstairs family room. So now my living room is her bedroom, my beautiful powder room is her bathroom and closet and my dining room table holds all of her papers which she always wants in easy reach.

She likes a lot of snacks and my kitchen counter has several jars of different kinds of pretzles, crackers, nuts, etc. I am used to clean counters and having all this "stuff" everywhere is driving me nuts. I can hardly fit anything in the fridge because she wants a wide variety of stuff I never use.

She does not like what I cook and I don't like the things she does.

I want her to be comfortable with me but how to you resolve two completely different ways of eating and deal with the complete loss of your living space?

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