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stocked up on amaryllis from Lowes

honeybunny2 Fox
13 years ago

Last week Lowes marked down there Amaryllis bulbs here in San Antonio to $1.75, I tried to get 3 of each variety, but was not able to. Gary was going to Rockport and told me to call Corpus, he would stop there and get some if they had them. I called and they did not even know they were on sale, so they had a great selection to choose from. Gary picked them up from customer service, and brought them home. You would not believe the diffrence in the bulbs size between the two locations. The San Antonio bulbs were size 32 to 34, and the Corpus location size were 26 to 28, same ceramic containers, same orig. price. I have to say the Corpus bulbs had all their roots, and the San Antonio store had almost no roots. I planted them after soaking them in superthrive. Its hard to believe the diffrence between the two Texas stores. I would have thought that the fresher bulbs would have been bigger, since they would have been in the soil longer, but that was not the case. I planted 41 bulbs. I read in the amaryllis forum, that Lowes bulbs are not always true, so I will have a box of chocolates in the spring when they bloom. I can hardly wait to see what I got. Barbra

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