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Can I get the I.D. for a bird or two I photographed yesterday?

14 years ago

I have always loved this forum and due to work and family responsibilities, I never had enough time to do much more than just lurk. I thought I remembered a bird I.D. forum as part of this one. Maybe I'm remembering wrong.

Anyway, now that I'm retired and I have more time I've been doing a little bird watching and photography. Yesterday I went in search of egrets and altho they were too far from the road to get a good shot, along with them was a very tall dark bird, it appeared to be taller than the egrets. It was darker than a Great Blue fact, it was almost the color of an ostrich. LOL I live in Western Illinois and the last time I looked most ostrichs around here were penned up on farms or in the zoo! It was with the egrets and was too far away to get a decent photo of and not a bit of it's head/face.

I also got a couple shots of a bird I thought was some sort of swallow the way it was dipping and swooping as it flew by me. I managed to get shots, altho not great, that could possibly be I.D.'d.

When I came here, I didn't see the I.D. forum anymore and I couldn't find any other birding forums on GW so I wondered if I posted the pix here if someone could help me?

If this is the wrong place to post them, I'm sorry. Just chalk it up to my ignorance.

Thanks in advance for any help. :)

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