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Do White-throats sing Beethoven's Fifth?

For several years now, I've been hearing a clear, four note call that is very similar to the dah-dah-dah-dum motif in Beethoven's Fifth symphony. The call is more frequent right now here in Plymouth, MA.

I did some googling and found a few references that stated it was the call of the White-throated Sparrow and was just a mis-hearing of the "Old Sam Peabody/Oh Sweet Canada" call. I've listened to those calls on-line and this is a similar, but different call.

The four notes are all clear whistles; the first three whistles are one tone, the fourth whistle is the same length but lower. None of that Peabody or Canada short quick stuff.

I've had white-throats all winter feeding on the ground here and I'm still seeing at least two of them.

Does anyone else hear this? or have an identification?



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