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The latest report from my home garden (pics)

I keep talking about the season coming to an least as far as tomatoes go, and I've managed to keep a few tomato plants alive but by this end of this weekend, I'll have the tomatoes plants reduced to about five or six. I did decide on growing a fall garden so I will have tomato seed started for that tomorrow.

However, even with the tomatoes coming to a close, I still have plenty going on in the garden. Below are just a few random photos:


I discovered these tomatoes growing out amoungst the watermelon vines.




More watermelons:


Yet more watermelons:


A gardening friend:


Hot peppers:


Bell peppers:


Bell peppers:


And finally, here is a photo of a large piece of petrified wood that I discovered while installing a 20' flag pole in the front yard. We finally got it dug out today. It was about 2' long.


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