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End Rot. I think its all my fault....

For the past five years I have planted a tomato, usually Sungold or another cherry, in a large terra cotta pot by my shed. They have always done great, so this year I decided to do more tomatoes in pots.

This was the first year I have ever tried Heirlooms. I was super excited to try some unusual things. I have three Heirlooms and also several Hybrids. The Hybrids do not seem to have any trouble at all; they are really heathy and seem to be enjoying the potted life. But two of the three heirlooms (Pink Brandywine and Kellogs Breakfast) have end rot!! ((sob)) The less mature ones seem to be getting it mostly.

I read the FAQ page on this. It could be lack of calcium, but I don't know. I give them crushed eggshells all the time, plus a little powdered milk (and spoilt milk) a few times a month. I think it might be stress do to water. The soil dries out quickly and the plants look a little wilty. So then I give them water (too much maybe? How much should potted tomatoes get a day?). Sometimes I water twice a day when it gets really hot.

Do you think the fluxuation in moisture is maybe causing this? Should I maybe move them to a bit more shade? Should I mulch them? Water more? Water less? Water deeply? Give only sips of Water? Please help!

ALSO: 5gal. seemed a little small to me, so I went with the 7gal. black plastic pots for my tomatoes. The soil I used before for the Sungold was nothing special; compost, manure, and top soil (because I had it on hand). Now I am thinking that this is to heavey and dries out much to fast. Maybe next year I should use soil-less potting mix with compost for something lighter??

Thank you for any help and info you can give me. ((still sobbing))


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