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Building a tomato cage with hose and pvc? Have you seen it?

15 years ago

Maybe someone here can help, since I know y'all are just tomato obsessed (and I mean that in a good way, of course :D). A couple months ago I saw some plans on how to make a tomato cage out of some red hose and pvc, but somehow I didn't end up bookmarking it, and now it's gone. I hadn't even given it any thought until I was looking up some info on how to grow tomatillos and someone had an ad on their page for "veggie cages". When I went to check it out, I found that their cages looked just like the do-it-yourself version I'd seen.

Now, I don't know how well they work, if at all, but it looked like an interesting idea, and IIRC, the homemade version wasn't difficult to fashion together. Has anyone seen the plans online, or do you remember what it was called, by chance?

For reference, this is what both the real and the homemade ones look like, but again, the homemade one was made with red hose of some sort, and the commercial one is green:

Veggie cage thingie

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