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My zone is: SF Bay Area
GardenWeb Member: spaghetina - June 12, 2009
Commented: What worms are these? Did they thrash about like crazy? I was just reading an article about jumping worms this morning... hopefully they're not one and the same: https://www.livescience.com/invasive-jumping-worms-spreading...
in Organic Gardening  
Commented: Brocolli indundated with worms If you see those pretty white "butterflies" flitting around your garden, they're likely at least part of the problem. They're cabbage moths, and their larvae will devour brassica plants in r...
in Vegetable Gardening  
Commented: What's wrong with my string bean plant leaves? That looks less like rust and more like sun/wind damage, to me. I do agree that the plants look to be a little deficient in something though. How does the new growth look? Odd that only half of your p...
in Vegetable Gardening