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Feeding mockingbirds ...

The watering St. Augustine thread turned into a discussion about feeding mockingbirds in the SEVERE drought in and around San Antonio so thought it might be interesting to start a thread on that subject and see if anyone else has any experience and advice.

The trees and shrubs in my yard have not produced their usual amount of berries so there is some concern about how the mockingbirds can make a living. On Carla's advice I just now cut up some dates that I had on hand and placed them on the end of twigs where the mockingbirds hang out. Also will buy some raisins, grapes, blueberries, etc. today. I also cut up some ripe rose hips and placed them on the ledge around the bird bath.

I don't usually feed birds as so many of my neighbors do (besides I don't care to feed the rats), but since mockingbirds eat berries in winter I'm not sure they can benefit from bird seeds. I realize the squirrels may discover the goodies, but will have to deal with that when it happens.

Any more ideas out there about taking care of valued wildlife in drought times? I realize that mockingbirds peck at and ruin fruit like figs, but I do enjoy their song and their antics.

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